Description: Man, seated on a chair, at a pottery wheel.
Basic Form: full quadrat
Tag: manpotter_wheelseated on chairworking
Type: composite
Components TSL_1_6276_00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram nḥp to create, to shape Ptolemaic


ḏd-mdw (j)n ẖnmw nṯr nḥp rmṯ.w jr nṯr.w
Recitation by Khnoum, the god who created mankind, who made the gods.
Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II
Cauville, Sylvie (2001), Dendara: le fonds hiéroglyphique au temps de Cléopâtre, page 20
Kurth, Dieter (2007), Einführung ins Ptolemäische: eine Grammatik mit Zeichenliste und Übungsstücken, volume 1, page 135
Creator: TSL
Editor(s): J. Grotenhuis
TSL_3_7771 00

[Source: Jsesh]
TSL_3_22199 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram nḥp to create, to shape Ptolemaic

ḏd-mdw (j)n ẖnmw nṯr nḥp rmṯ.w jr nṯr.w
Recitation by Khnoum, the god who created mankind, who made the gods.
Collombert, Philippe (2022), Le répertoire hiéroglyphique. In Polis, Stéphane (ed.), Guide des écritures de l'Égypte ancienne, 126-131, p. 126-127
Collombert, Philippe (2007), Combien y avait-il de hiéroglyphes? Égypte, Afrique & Orient 46, 15-28., p. 19
Pantalacci, Laure (2005), Nouveautés graphiques et lexicales dans le corpus des textes de Balat. In Seidlmayer, Stephan Johannes (ed.), Texte und Denkmäler des ägyptischen Alten Reiches, 275-285, p. 276
Hieroglyphica  A158
Jsesh  A158
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Please cite as: Class TSL_1_223_00<http://thotsignlist.org/mytkclass?id=223&cl=00>, in: Thot Sign List <http://thotsignlist.org>,
edited by Université de Liège and Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Creator: I. Hafemann
Editor(s): J. Grotenhuis, L. Seelau

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