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jw bꜣk.n=(j) wꜣwꜣ,t(j).w n [ḥr(.j)-tp] nb ḫpr(.w) m spꜣ.t 〈t〉n
I taxed the people of Wawat on behalf of every chief who had arisen in this area
1st Intermediate Period

jt-šmꜥ ẖꜣr 400 r-ṯnw rnp.t r ṯꜣz.y m wn.t ḫry.t ḥnꜥ tꜣ-wr
(I gave ...) small barley, 400 sacks every year for ṯꜣs.y(?), when there was the hostility with the Thinite nome.
11th Dynasty

jrr.t nb.t qn(.w) ḥr jb n(.j) nb=(j)
everything that is done is strong in the heart of the lord.
Mentuhotep II Nebhepetre (complete reign)

jnk sn-nw.j qn m pr-nswt hꜣb.y n mds bj(ꜣ).t
I am second to the strong one in the royal palace, a messenger of an energetic character.
Senwosret I Kheperkare

n dsj=j z wsr=j r=f
I did not defame a man while I had power over him.
Senwosret I Kheperkare

jw jp m-'=j m pr-nsw.t nhm n=j dwꜣ nṯr n=j
[...] the accounting being in my charge in the royal palace, and I was acclaimed and thanked (lit: there was acclaim for me and there was thanking for me).
Senwosret I Kheperkare

jw rd.n=j t n ḥqr ḥbs n ḥꜣ.ty nḥm s(j) r r(ꜣ) nm.t mdw=j ḥr s(j) m ḫm.t=f
I gave bread to the hungry, clothing to the naked, caused that a man is rescued from the gate of the place of slaughter, while I speak on behalf of the man without him knowing.
Amenemhat II Nebukaure

twt sꜣ nḏ.ty jt=f
a model of a son, the protector of his father,
Senwosret III Khakaure

sbk šd.ty ms.t ꜥnḫ.t nḫ.t
Sobek the Shedtite, who is born living and strong
13th Dynasty

stp.n=f r sꜣw km.t r pꜥ.t rḫ.yt
who he chose in order to guard Egypt, in order to protect the patricians and the people
Hatshepsut Maatkare