Description: A cobra in repose (Naja haja).
Basic Form: full quadrat
Tag: cobrareptilesnake
Type: simple

Function type Semantic value Use
classifier snake regular


hrw pw n sn.t tp.w sꜣb.wt
this day of cutting the heads of the speckled snakes off
Pepi I Merire
Creator: TSL
Function type Phonetic value Use
interpretant regular


m-k jn.n n=k wꜣḏ.w
Look, green eye paint was brought to you.
Nemtiemsaf I Merenre I

jr gr.t (j)ḫ.t-nb(.t) wḏ.n ḥm=f jr=(j) n=f st
Moreover, as for everything that His Majesty ordered, I did it for him.
Mentuhotep II Nebhepetre (complete reign)

ḏd mꜣꜥ.n wj ḥm n nb nṯr pn ḥr(.y)-tp tꜣ.wy wḏ kꜣ.t
saying: The majesty of the lord, this god, chief of the two lands, sent me, commanding the work
Senwosret I Kheperkare

ḏd=f jnḏ-ḥr=k wbn m nwn sḥḏ tꜣ.w m-ḫ.t pr=f
He said : « Hail to you who rises in the Nun, who illumines the world when he comes forth.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

bꜣ n jtm.w dj=f s(w) m ḏ.t=f m jtn wr dj ḥḏḏ.wt pr=f m pr=f
The Ba of Atoum, he places him in his body as the great sun disk, which gives brightness while it goes forth from its house
Ptolemy XIII
Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 476
Creator: TSL
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram ḏd to speak regular
Comment Usually when used in the Dd-mdw construction.

ḏd-mdw wꜥb n=k [rꜥ] šk(r) n=k ḥr
Recitiation: Clean yourself Re! Adorn yourself Horus!
Pepi I Merire

ḏd-mdw mw.t ḫꜥ.n=ṯ m bj.t
Recitation: Mut, you have appeared as the bee
Pepi I Merire

ḏd-mdw dj.n(=j) n=k ꜣw.t-jb nb ḏd-mdw dj.n(=j) n=k snb nb ḫr(=j)
Recitiation: I have given all joy to you. Recitation: I have given all health through me.
Senwosret II Khakheperre

ḏd-mdw jn ḥm n rꜥ nfr.wy s.ty
Recitation by the majesty of Re: How beautiful is it
Sety I Menmaatre

ḏd-mdw mꜣ.n=j jt m qd=f nb qd m qd.t
Recitation: I saw the father in all his forms: the form as a mantis
Sety I Menmaatre

ḏd-mdw (j)n ḥr bḥd.t nṯr ꜥꜣ nb p.t ꜥpy wr
Recitation by Horus of Edfu, the great god, the lord of the sky, the great winged scarab
Ptolemy IV Philopator

ḏd-mdw (j)n ꜣs.t ḥḏḏ.t n(.t) bḥd.t mw.t-nṯr n bjk nbw.t
Recitation by Isis, the scorpion of Edfu, the mother of the god for the falcon, the golden one
Ptolemy XIII

ḏd mdw jn rnn.wtt srq.t ḫsf ḏdf.wt ḥm.t nmt.t sn r [pr]-šps.t
Recitiation by Renenoutet-Serket, who opposes the snakes, who repels and strides through them to the house of the noble one.
Ptolemy XIII

smꜣ msḥ ḏd-mdw šsp.n mꜥbꜣ ꜣmm ḫꜥ.w ḫfꜥ.n=j ḫmt m ḫfꜥ=j ḫbḫb=j ḫꜥw.w
Killing the crocodile. Recitation: the mabA spear was received, the weapon is grasped. I have grasped the harpoon in my grasp, I slay the crocodiles.
Ptolemy XIII

ḏd-mdw nꜥ.y=j m qr.ty r sꜥnḫ tꜣ.wy
Recitation: I travel from the two caverns, in order to nourish the two lands.
Cleopatra VII Philopator

ḏd-mdw (j)n ḥr nb mdny.t jwꜥ n wn-nfr-mꜣꜥ-ḫrw sms.w nfr ḥr s.t jt=f
Recitation by Horus, lord of Medenit, heir of Wennofer, justified, the beautiful elder upon the throne of his father
Cleopatra VII Philopator

smꜣ mg(ꜣ) ḏd-mdw mg(ꜣ) mds m-bꜣḥ=k sꜣb šw.t ḫꜥ.w=k rwḏ m ḫꜥ.w
Killing the crocodile. Recitation: The crocodile is cut down in front of you, the many coloured of feathers, your harpoon is firm in the crocodile.
Cleopatra VII Philopator

ḏd jn wsjr ḫnt.y jmn.tyw nb ꜣbḏw sꜣ n wr tp n gbb wpj ḫ.wt nfr ḥr dj ꜥnḫ ḏd wꜣs nb snb nb ꜣw-jb nb n djw-ḥr nḥḥ ḏ.t jry
Spoken by Osiris, the formost of the westerners, the lord of Abidos, the firstborn son of Geb, who judges the cases, beautiful of face, who gives all life, stability and dominion, all health and all joy to Teüris, all eternity and forever.
Enany, Khaled el- (2007), Le petit temple d'Abou Simbel: paléographie. Paléographie hiéroglyphique 3, page 40
Borghouts, J. F. (2010), Egyptian: an introduction to the writing and language of the Middle Kingdom, 2 vols. Egyptologische Uitgaven 24, page 74
Haring, Ben J. J. (2006), The tomb of Sennedjem (TT1) in Deir el-Medina: palaeography. Paléographie hiéroglyphique 2, page 72
Kurth, Dieter (2007), Einführung ins Ptolemäische: eine Grammatik mit Zeichenliste und Übungsstücken, volume 1, page 282
Meeks, Dimitri (2004), Les architraves du temple d'Esna: paléographie. Paléographie hiéroglyphique 1, page 102
Creator: TSL
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram ḏ.t cobra regular


ḏ.t pw nn pr.t m rꜥ jꜥr.t nn pr.t m stš
the cobra is this which went forth from Re, the uraeus is this which went forth from Seth
Pepi II Neferkare
Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 476
Borghouts, J. F. (2010), Egyptian: an introduction to the writing and language of the Middle Kingdom, 2 vols. Egyptologische Uitgaven 24, page 74
Creator: TSL
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram ḏ.t body Ptolemaic


bꜣ n jtm.w dj=f s(w) m ḏ.t=f m jtn wr dj ḥḏḏ.wt pr=f m pr=f
The Ba of Atoum, he places him in his body as the great sun disk, which gives brightness while it goes forth from its house
Ptolemy XIII
Creator: TSL
Editor(s): J. Grotenhuis
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram regular


mꜣꜣ nḏ.t-ḥr jn.w n ḥw.wt njw.wt mḥ.w šmꜥ.w pr-ḏ.t
Seeing the gifts and tribute of the mansions and villages of lower and upper Egypt and the domain of eternity,
Asosi Djedkare

[...] t' wꜥb n(.j) pr mnṯ.w dbḥ.t-ḥtp m pr wsjr mrr.t ꜣḫ.w wn(m) jm n (j)m(.j)-r(')-sbꜣ.w mꜣꜥ.t(j) ḏd
[...] pure bread from the estate of Montu, a funerary meal from the estate of Osiris, in which the blessed spirits wish to eat, for the doorkeeper Maat(i), who says:
Intef III Nakhtnebtepnefer

ḏd-mdw jn jmn-rꜥ kꜣ mw.t=f dj.n(=j) ns.yt tꜣ.wy ḥqꜣ.t jdb.wy n sꜣ n ẖ.t(=j) sn-wsr.t dj ꜥnḫ ḏd wꜣs mj rꜥ ḏ.t
Recitation by Amon-Re, bull of his mother. I have given the kingship of the two lands and the rulership of the two riverbanks to the son of my body, Senwosret, given life, stability and dominion, like Re, eternaly.
Senwosret I Kheperkare

ḏd mꜣꜥ.n wj ḥm n nb nṯr pn ḥr(.y)-tp tꜣ.wy wḏ kꜣ.t
saying: The majesty of the lord, this god, chief of the two lands, sent me, commanding the work
Senwosret I Kheperkare

nfr bꜣḏ.ty bꜣ.w p
effective of the two dippers of the souls of Buto
Tuthmosis III Menkheperre (complete reign)

ḏfꜣ.w pr=f n ḏ.t m ḥḥ.w ḥfn.w m ẖ.wt
who provisions his house of eternity with millions and hundreds of thousands of things,
Amenhotep IV / Akhenaten Neferkheperure

ḏd=f jnḏ-ḥr=k wbn m nwn sḥḏ tꜣ.w m-ḫ.t pr=f
He said : « Hail to you who rises in the Nun, who illumines the world when he comes forth.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

šnj.t nṯr šp tp=f šnj.t=ṯ ḏs=ṯ nn srq.t
the god, whose head is blind will be summoned; you yourself will be summoned here, scorpion.
26th Dynasty

ḏd=f jyj pw jr.n wr ꜥꜣ n nb n ḫꜣs.t nb(.t) kmbjṯt r km.t
He says: the king of the lord of every foreign land, Cambyses, came to Egypt
Cambyses Mestiure

ꜥbb nṯr.y m ḏ.t=f
the divine scarab in his body
Ptolemy XIII

ḏd mdw jn rnn.wtt srq.t ḫsf ḏdf.wt ḥm.t nmt.t sn r [pr]-šps.t
Recitiation by Renenoutet-Serket, who opposes the snakes, who repels and strides through them to the house of the noble one.
Ptolemy XIII

ꜥšꜣ smn.w=f m ḏ.t=f ẖ.t=f ḏsr ḏ.t=f tp rnp.t n nḥb-k(ꜣw)
numerous are his shapes in the day and night, sacred is his body at the beginning of the year because of Nehebkau,
Ptolemy XIII

ḫpr ḏs=sn m ꜥḥꜥ.w jpn nfr.w wꜥ nb m ḏsr s.t
who came to be by themselves as these beautiful snakes, everyone as one who is sacred of place.
Ptolemy XIII

bꜣ n jtm.w dj=f s(w) m ḏ.t=f m jtn wr dj ḥḏḏ.wt pr=f m pr=f
The Ba of Atoum, he places him in his body as the great sun disk, which gives brightness while it goes forth from its house
Ptolemy XIII

ꜥnḫ=k n mꜣꜣ s(y) nn ḥr=s r=k km ḏ.t ḥtp ḥm=k
May you live because of seeing her, she will not be far away from you, completing eternity, while your majesty rests.
Cleopatra VII Philopator

m ḥḥ.w n(.w) n(y)-sw.t sqꜣ sw r km ḏ.t
as millions for the king, exalting him in order to complete eternity.
Cleopatra VII Philopator

wnn skr sꜣq m ḏ.t=f ḥqꜣ.t ḥnw wṯs ḥm=f m tꜣ
Sokar is gathered in his body, she who rules the Henu-bark, who lifts his majesty in the land.
Cleopatra VII Philopator

sꜣ ꜥnḫ wꜣs nb ḥꜣ=f mj rꜥ ḏ.t šny qr.ty ḏd kꜣ jmn wḏb.w
the protection of all life and dominion is behind him like Re, eternally, which encircles the twin caverns of the nile, enduring of the hidden kA and the riverbanks
Cleopatra VII Philopator

jn=f n=k jq ḏd.tw ẖr ḏ.t=k
He brings for you, the nome of the annihilated crocodile, stability under your body
Cleopatra VII Philopator


ḏd jn wsjr ḫnt.y jmn.tyw nb ꜣbḏw sꜣ n wr tp n gbb wpj ḫ.wt nfr ḥr dj ꜥnḫ ḏd wꜣs nb snb nb ꜣw-jb nb n djw-ḥr nḥḥ ḏ.t jry
Spoken by Osiris, the formost of the westerners, the lord of Abidos, the firstborn son of Geb, who judges the cases, beautiful of face, who gives all life, stability and dominion, all health and all joy to Teüris, all eternity and forever.
Cauville, Sylvie (2001), Dendara: le fonds hiéroglyphique au temps de Cléopâtre, page 128
Collombert, Philippe (2010), Le tombeau de Mérérouka: paléographie. Paléographie hiéroglyphique 4, page 76
Enany, Khaled el- (2007), Le petit temple d'Abou Simbel: paléographie. Paléographie hiéroglyphique 3, page 40
Engsheden, Åke (2014), Le naos de Sopdou à Saft el-Henneh (CG 70021): paléographie. Paléographie hiéroglyphique 6, page 62
Lenzo, Giuseppina (2015), Les stèles de Taharqa à Kawa: paléographie. Paléographie hiéroglyphique 7, page 67
Borghouts, J. F. (2010), Egyptian: an introduction to the writing and language of the Middle Kingdom, 2 vols. Egyptologische Uitgaven 24, page 74
Haring, Ben J. J. (2006), The tomb of Sennedjem (TT1) in Deir el-Medina: palaeography. Paléographie hiéroglyphique 2, page 72
Kurth, Dieter (2007), Einführung ins Ptolemäische: eine Grammatik mit Zeichenliste und Übungsstücken, volume 1, page 282
Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 476
Meeks, Dimitri (2004), Les architraves du temple d'Esna: paléographie. Paléographie hiéroglyphique 1, page 102
Servajean, Frédéric (2011), Le tombeau de Nakhtamon (TT 335) à Deir al-Medina: paléographie. Photographs by Jean-François Gout. Paléographie hiéroglyphique 5, page 49-50
Creator: TSL
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram r Ptolemaic


šsp s(y) m-ꜥ=j rdj s(y) ḥr ḥꜣ.t=ṯ ḫꜥ=ṯ jm=s
Receive it from my hand, place it upon your brow, so that you may appear with it.
Ptolemy X Alexander I
Kurth, Dieter (2007), Einführung ins Ptolemäische: eine Grammatik mit Zeichenliste und Übungsstücken, volume 1, page 282
Creator: TSL
TSL_3_1353 00

[Source: Berliner Zeichenliste]
TSL_3_5259 00

[Source: Hornung & Schenkel]
TSL_3_7033 00

[Source: Jsesh]
TSL_3_7034 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram ḏd to speak regular

ḏd-mdw (j)n ḥr bḥd.t nṯr ꜥꜣ nb p.t ꜥpy wr
Recitation by Horus of Edfu, the great god, the lord of the sky, the great winged scarab
TSL_3_7038 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram regular

nfr bꜣḏ.ty bꜣ.w p
effective of the two dippers of the souls of Buto
TSL_3_7042 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram regular

ḏd jn wsjr ḫnt.y jmn.tyw nb ꜣbḏw sꜣ n wr tp n gbb wpj ḫ.wt nfr ḥr dj ꜥnḫ ḏd wꜣs nb snb nb ꜣw-jb nb n djw-ḥr nḥḥ ḏ.t jry
Spoken by Osiris, the formost of the westerners, the lord of Abidos, the firstborn son of Geb, who judges the cases, beautiful of face, who gives all life, stability and dominion, all health and all joy to Teüris, all eternity and forever.
TSL_3_7056 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram regular

ꜥšꜣ smn.w=f m ḏ.t=f ẖ.t=f ḏsr ḏ.t=f tp rnp.t n nḥb-k(ꜣw)
numerous are his shapes in the day and night, sacred is his body at the beginning of the year because of Nehebkau,
TSL_3_7077 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram ḏd to speak regular

smꜣ mg(ꜣ) ḏd-mdw mg(ꜣ) mds m-bꜣḥ=k sꜣb šw.t ḫꜥ.w=k rwḏ m ḫꜥ.w
Killing the crocodile. Recitation: The crocodile is cut down in front of you, the many coloured of feathers, your harpoon is firm in the crocodile.
TSL_3_7098 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram regular

jn=f n=k jq ḏd.tw ẖr ḏ.t=k
He brings for you, the nome of the annihilated crocodile, stability under your body
TSL_3_7216 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram regular

wnn skr sꜣq m ḏ.t=f ḥqꜣ.t ḥnw wṯs ḥm=f m tꜣ
Sokar is gathered in his body, she who rules the Henu-bark, who lifts his majesty in the land.
TSL_3_7249 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram ḏd to speak regular

smꜣ msḥ ḏd-mdw šsp.n mꜥbꜣ ꜣmm ḫꜥ.w ḫfꜥ.n=j ḫmt m ḫfꜥ=j ḫbḫb=j ḫꜥw.w
Killing the crocodile. Recitation: the mabA spear was received, the weapon is grasped. I have grasped the harpoon in my grasp, I slay the crocodiles.
TSL_3_7267 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram regular

TSL_3_7311 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram regular

ḏd=f jyj pw jr.n wr ꜥꜣ n nb n ḫꜣs.t nb(.t) kmbjṯt r km.t
He says: the king of the lord of every foreign land, Cambyses, came to Egypt
TSL_3_7318 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram regular

ꜥnḫ=k n mꜣꜣ s(y) nn ḥr=s r=k km ḏ.t ḥtp ḥm=k
May you live because of seeing her, she will not be far away from you, completing eternity, while your majesty rests.
TSL_3_7320 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram regular

m ḥḥ.w n(.w) n(y)-sw.t sqꜣ sw r km ḏ.t
as millions for the king, exalting him in order to complete eternity.
TSL_3_7353 00

[Source: Paléographie Hiéroglyphique]
TSL_3_7375 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram regular

ḏfꜣ.w pr=f n ḏ.t m ḥḥ.w ḥfn.w m ẖ.wt
who provisions his house of eternity with millions and hundreds of thousands of things,
TSL_3_7444 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram regular

ḫpr ḏs=sn m ꜥḥꜥ.w jpn nfr.w wꜥ nb m ḏsr s.t
who came to be by themselves as these beautiful snakes, everyone as one who is sacred of place.
TSL_3_7468 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram ḏd to speak regular

ḏd-mdw mw.t ḫꜥ.n=ṯ m bj.t
Recitation: Mut, you have appeared as the bee
TSL_3_7478 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram ḏd to speak regular

ḏd-mdw (j)n ḥr nb mdny.t jwꜥ n wn-nfr-mꜣꜥ-ḫrw sms.w nfr ḥr s.t jt=f
Recitation by Horus, lord of Medenit, heir of Wennofer, justified, the beautiful elder upon the throne of his father
TSL_3_7519 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram regular

ḏd mdw jn rnn.wtt srq.t ḫsf ḏdf.wt ḥm.t nmt.t sn r [pr]-šps.t
Recitiation by Renenoutet-Serket, who opposes the snakes, who repels and strides through them to the house of the noble one.
TSL_3_7522 00

[Source: Manuel de codage]
TSL_3_7523 00

[Source: Manuel de codage]
TSL_3_7524 00

[Source: Manuel de codage]
TSL_3_7525 00

[Source: Manuel de codage]
TSL_3_7526 00

[Source: Manuel de codage]
TSL_3_7527 00

[Source: Manuel de codage]
TSL_3_7528 00

[Source: Paléographie Hiéroglyphique]
TSL_3_7529 00

[Source: Paléographie Hiéroglyphique]
TSL_3_7530 00

[Source: Paléographie Hiéroglyphique]
TSL_3_7531 00

[Source: Paléographie Hiéroglyphique]
TSL_3_7532 00

[Source: Paléographie Hiéroglyphique]
TSL_3_7533 00

[Source: Paléographie Hiéroglyphique]
TSL_3_7534 00

[Source: Paléographie Hiéroglyphique]
TSL_3_7544 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram regular

šnj.t nṯr šp tp=f šnj.t=ṯ ḏs=ṯ nn srq.t
the god, whose head is blind will be summoned; you yourself will be summoned here, scorpion.
TSL_3_7554 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram ḏd to speak regular

ḏd-mdw jn ḥm n rꜥ nfr.wy s.ty
Recitation by the majesty of Re: How beautiful is it
TSL_3_7555 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram r Ptolemaic

šsp s(y) m-ꜥ=j rdj s(y) ḥr ḥꜣ.t=ṯ ḫꜥ=ṯ jm=s
Receive it from my hand, place it upon your brow, so that you may appear with it.
TSL_3_7557 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram ḏ.t body Ptolemaic

bꜣ n jtm.w dj=f s(w) m ḏ.t=f m jtn wr dj ḥḏḏ.wt pr=f m pr=f
The Ba of Atoum, he places him in his body as the great sun disk, which gives brightness while it goes forth from its house
TSL_3_7559 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram regular

mꜣꜣ nḏ.t-ḥr jn.w n ḥw.wt njw.wt mḥ.w šmꜥ.w pr-ḏ.t
Seeing the gifts and tribute of the mansions and villages of lower and upper Egypt and the domain of eternity,
TSL_3_7564 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram ḏd to speak regular

ḏd-mdw nꜥ.y=j m qr.ty r sꜥnḫ tꜣ.wy
Recitation: I travel from the two caverns, in order to nourish the two lands.
TSL_3_14390 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram regular

ḏd mꜣꜥ.n wj ḥm n nb nṯr pn ḥr(.y)-tp tꜣ.wy wḏ kꜣ.t
saying: The majesty of the lord, this god, chief of the two lands, sent me, commanding the work
TSL_3_14532 00
Function type Semantic value Use
classifier snake regular

hrw pw n sn.t tp.w sꜣb.wt
this day of cutting the heads of the speckled snakes off
TSL_3_14850 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
interpretant regular

ḏd mꜣꜥ.n wj ḥm n nb nṯr pn ḥr(.y)-tp tꜣ.wy wḏ kꜣ.t
saying: The majesty of the lord, this god, chief of the two lands, sent me, commanding the work
TSL_3_15050 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram ḏd to speak regular

ḏd-mdw dj.n(=j) n=k ꜣw.t-jb nb ḏd-mdw dj.n(=j) n=k snb nb ḫr(=j)
Recitiation: I have given all joy to you. Recitation: I have given all health through me.
TSL_3_16236 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
interpretant regular

bꜣ n jtm.w dj=f s(w) m ḏ.t=f m jtn wr dj ḥḏḏ.wt pr=f m pr=f
The Ba of Atoum, he places him in his body as the great sun disk, which gives brightness while it goes forth from its house
TSL_3_16237 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram regular

bꜣ n jtm.w dj=f s(w) m ḏ.t=f m jtn wr dj ḥḏḏ.wt pr=f m pr=f
The Ba of Atoum, he places him in his body as the great sun disk, which gives brightness while it goes forth from its house
TSL_3_16330 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram ḏd to speak regular

ḏd mdw jn rnn.wtt srq.t ḫsf ḏdf.wt ḥm.t nmt.t sn r [pr]-šps.t
Recitiation by Renenoutet-Serket, who opposes the snakes, who repels and strides through them to the house of the noble one.
TSL_3_16449 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram regular

ꜥbb nṯr.y m ḏ.t=f
the divine scarab in his body
TSL_3_16466 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram ḏd to speak regular

ḏd-mdw (j)n ꜣs.t ḥḏḏ.t n(.t) bḥd.t mw.t-nṯr n bjk nbw.t
Recitation by Isis, the scorpion of Edfu, the mother of the god for the falcon, the golden one
TSL_3_16900 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram regular

sꜣ ꜥnḫ wꜣs nb ḥꜣ=f mj rꜥ ḏ.t šny qr.ty ḏd kꜣ jmn wḏb.w
the protection of all life and dominion is behind him like Re, eternally, which encircles the twin caverns of the nile, enduring of the hidden kA and the riverbanks
TSL_3_17619 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram ḏd to speak regular

ḏd jn wsjr ḫnt.y jmn.tyw nb ꜣbḏw sꜣ n wr tp n gbb wpj ḫ.wt nfr ḥr dj ꜥnḫ ḏd wꜣs nb snb nb ꜣw-jb nb n djw-ḥr nḥḥ ḏ.t jry
Spoken by Osiris, the formost of the westerners, the lord of Abidos, the firstborn son of Geb, who judges the cases, beautiful of face, who gives all life, stability and dominion, all health and all joy to Teüris, all eternity and forever.
TSL_3_17907 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram ḏd to speak regular

ḏd-mdw mꜣ.n=j jt m qd=f nb qd m qd.t
Recitation: I saw the father in all his forms: the form as a mantis
TSL_3_18275 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram regular

[...] t' wꜥb n(.j) pr mnṯ.w dbḥ.t-ḥtp m pr wsjr mrr.t ꜣḫ.w wn(m) jm n (j)m(.j)-r(')-sbꜣ.w mꜣꜥ.t(j) ḏd
[...] pure bread from the estate of Montu, a funerary meal from the estate of Osiris, in which the blessed spirits wish to eat, for the doorkeeper Maat(i), who says:
TSL_3_18359 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
interpretant regular

jr gr.t (j)ḫ.t-nb(.t) wḏ.n ḥm=f jr=(j) n=f st
Moreover, as for everything that His Majesty ordered, I did it for him.
TSL_3_18817 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
interpretant regular

m-k jn.n n=k wꜣḏ.w
Look, green eye paint was brought to you.
TSL_3_18878 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram ḏd to speak regular

ḏd-mdw wꜥb n=k [rꜥ] šk(r) n=k ḥr
Recitiation: Clean yourself Re! Adorn yourself Horus!
TSL_3_20903 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram ḏ.t cobra regular

ḏ.t pw nn pr.t m rꜥ jꜥr.t nn pr.t m stš
the cobra is this which went forth from Re, the uraeus is this which went forth from Seth
TSL_3_21541 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram regular

ḏd-mdw jn jmn-rꜥ kꜣ mw.t=f dj.n(=j) ns.yt tꜣ.wy ḥqꜣ.t jdb.wy n sꜣ n ẖ.t(=j) sn-wsr.t dj ꜥnḫ ḏd wꜣs mj rꜥ ḏ.t
Recitation by Amon-Re, bull of his mother. I have given the kingship of the two lands and the rulership of the two riverbanks to the son of my body, Senwosret, given life, stability and dominion, like Re, eternaly.
TSL_3_23971 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram regular

ḏd=f jnḏ-ḥr=k wbn m nwn sḥḏ tꜣ.w m-ḫ.t pr=f
He said : « Hail to you who rises in the Nun, who illumines the world when he comes forth.
TSL_3_23972 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
interpretant regular

ḏd=f jnḏ-ḥr=k wbn m nwn sḥḏ tꜣ.w m-ḫ.t pr=f
He said : « Hail to you who rises in the Nun, who illumines the world when he comes forth.
Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 475
Keimer, Ludwig (1945), Zoologica III: notes au sujet de l'hiéroglyphe [..] et des vipères dans l'Égypte ancienne. Études d'égyptologie 7, page 40-42
Gardiner  I10
Hieroglyphica  I10
Jsesh  I10
Unicode  U+13193 𓆓
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Please cite as: Class TSL_1_38_00<http://thotsignlist.org/mytkclass?id=38&cl=00>, in: Thot Sign List <http://thotsignlist.org>,
edited by Université de Liège and Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Creator: J. Grotenhuis
Editor(s): J. Grotenhuis, L. Seelau, A. Weber

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