Description: A seat
Basic Form: tall narrow
Tag: seat
Type: simple

Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram s.t seat, throne, place regular


s.t=s dgj šsp.t n(.t) nṯr.t km.t m kꜣ.t n(.t) bjꜣ.yt
Her seat is covered by the cloth of the black netjeret cloth, with the work of she of metal.
Ptolemy XIII

ḏd-mdw (j)n ḥr nb mdny.t jwꜥ n wn-nfr-mꜣꜥ-ḫrw sms.w nfr ḥr s.t jt=f
Recitation by Horus, lord of Medenit, heir of Wennofer, justified, the beautiful elder upon the throne of his father
Cleopatra VII Philopator
Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 500
Creator: J. Grotenhuis
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram st regular


r ḏsr s.t wr.t r ꜣḫ.t n.t p.t ꜥpy wr m-ḫnt=s
in order to raise up the great place to the horizon of the sky, the great winged scarab is in front of it
Ptolemy VI Philometor

ḫpr ḏs=sn m ꜥḥꜥ.w jpn nfr.w wꜥ nb m ḏsr s.t
who came to be by themselves as these beautiful snakes, everyone as one who is sacred of place.
Ptolemy XIII

s.t tꜣ mw.t mšꜥ.w ꜥšꜣ.w m smꜣ.yw stš jm=f
The place of the death of the numerous soldiers among the followers of Seth
Cleopatra VII Philopator

s.t pr ḥw.t-ḥr ẖr mnw
The place where Hathor goes forth under Menou.
Cleopatra VII Philopator
Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 500
Creator: TSL
Editor(s): S.D. Schweitzer, J. Grotenhuis
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram ws regular


bꜣ šps n wsjr ḫnt.(y) jmn.t(y)t nṯr ꜥꜣ nb ꜣbḏ.w wsjr jwn wr m jwn.t bꜣ šps jyj=f m ꜣḫ šps r ẖnm ḫpr.w=f m ḥw.t-nṯr=f
The noble ba of Osiris, formost of the west, great god, lord of Abidos, Osiris the pillar, great one in Dendera, the noble ba, he comes as the noble spirit in order to unite with his shapes in his temple.
Cleopatra VII Philopator
Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 500
Creator: TSL
Editor(s): J. Grotenhuis
TSL_3_15883 02
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram st regular

r ḏsr s.t wr.t r ꜣḫ.t n.t p.t ꜥpy wr m-ḫnt=s
in order to raise up the great place to the horizon of the sky, the great winged scarab is in front of it
TSL_3_16283 02
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram st regular

ḫpr ḏs=sn m ꜥḥꜥ.w jpn nfr.w wꜥ nb m ḏsr s.t
who came to be by themselves as these beautiful snakes, everyone as one who is sacred of place.
TSL_3_16513 02
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram s.t seat, throne, place regular

s.t=s dgj šsp.t n(.t) nṯr.t km.t m kꜣ.t n(.t) bjꜣ.yt
Her seat is covered by the cloth of the black netjeret cloth, with the work of she of metal.
TSL_3_16837 02
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram ws regular

bꜣ šps n wsjr ḫnt.(y) jmn.t(y)t nṯr ꜥꜣ nb ꜣbḏ.w wsjr jwn wr m jwn.t bꜣ šps jyj=f m ꜣḫ šps r ẖnm ḫpr.w=f m ḥw.t-nṯr=f
The noble ba of Osiris, formost of the west, great god, lord of Abidos, Osiris the pillar, great one in Dendera, the noble ba, he comes as the noble spirit in order to unite with his shapes in his temple.
TSL_3_17231 02
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram s.t seat, throne, place regular

ḏd-mdw (j)n ḥr nb mdny.t jwꜥ n wn-nfr-mꜣꜥ-ḫrw sms.w nfr ḥr s.t jt=f
Recitation by Horus, lord of Medenit, heir of Wennofer, justified, the beautiful elder upon the throne of his father
TSL_3_17420 02
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram st regular

s.t tꜣ mw.t mšꜥ.w ꜥšꜣ.w m smꜣ.yw stš jm=f
The place of the death of the numerous soldiers among the followers of Seth
TSL_3_17434 02
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram st regular

s.t pr ḥw.t-ḥr ẖr mnw
The place where Hathor goes forth under Menou.
TSL_3_23083 02

[Source: Jsesh]
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Please cite as: Class TSL_1_5153_02<http://thotsignlist.org/mytkclass?id=5153&cl=02>, in: Thot Sign List <http://thotsignlist.org>,
edited by Université de Liège and Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Creator: J. Grotenhuis
Editor(s): J. Grotenhuis

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