Token | Source | Date |
mḏd=s jb.w=ṯn
she will press your hearts.
jw ḏ.n=(j) hꜣ=f r pr=f m ḥr(.j)-jb njw.t n sḫm r(m)ṯ nb hꜣ.t r=f
I caused him to go down to his house in the centre of the city, when no man was powerful to descend upon it.
1st Intermediate Period
(j)nk wdn m-m sr.w wꜣ(j)-jb ꜣ.t sḫ rꜣ ḏd
I am one who is important among the noblemen, with a planning heart in the moment, with striking mouth, who says:
Intef II Wahankh
mḥ-jb nswt m šmꜥ.w jrr (j)m(.y)-r mšꜥ m s.t nb.t štꜣ(.t)
the confidant of the king in Upper Egypt, who acts as the overseer of the army in every difficult place,
11th Dynasty (after reunification)
jw gr.t rḏ.n w(j) nb=j m nꜥr.t m [...] ⸢jm⸣=s sšm wr n nswt ḏs=f pr-ḥḏ n(.j) pꜣ(w).ty m ḏiḏi nswt ꜥq.n jb=f rḫ-(j)ḫ.wt sꜣꜣ [...]
My lord moreover appointed me in the Heracleopolitan nome as [...] in it, the great tasks of the king himself; the treasury of the primeaval god by gift of the king, who his heart has entered, one knowledgeable, wise and...
Mentuhotep II Nebhepetre (complete reign)
smꜣ.n(=j) n=k tꜣ.wj mj wḏ.t.n bꜣ.w [...] ꜣw.t-jb nb
For you I united the two lands like that which the powers commanded [...] all joy.
Mentuhotep II Nebhepetre (complete reign)
sꜣq jb
self possesed
12th Dynasty
ṯwt wꜥ jm=sn rtḥ=sn n=k jb.w pꜥ.t
You are one with them, while they restrain the hearts of the patricians for you.
Senwosret I Kheperkare
ḏd-mdw dj.n(=j) n=k ꜣw.t-jb nb ḏd-mdw dj.n(=j) n=k snb nb ḫr(=j)
Recitiation: I have given all joy to you. Recitation: I have given all health through me.
Senwosret II Khakheperre
jꜣ.w n wp-wꜣ.wt r qꜣ n p.t zꜣ ꜣs.t m ḥtp jb=f nḏm ḥtp [...]
Praise to Wepwawet, to the height of the sky, son of Isis in peace, his heart having pleasure, resting [...]
Tutankhamun Nebkheperure
jy.n=j n=k jb ẖr mꜣꜥ.t ḥꜣ.ty=j nn gr.t jm=f
I came to you a heart full of truth, my heart has no lie in it
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre
mj jr.wt n mꜣꜥ.ty djdj jmn m jb=f
(like) what is done to a righteous man who has placed Amon in his heart.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre
ḫprj ḥry-jb wjꜣ=f nfr-tm-ḥr-ḥkn(.w)
Khepri, residing in his barque, and Nefertem-Hor-Hekenu
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre
sbk-rꜥ nb smnw ḥr(y)-jb tꜣ-(j)m(.y)-jtr.w
Sobek-Re, lord of Sumenu, who resides in Imiotru
Merenptah Baenre
smr wꜥ.ty mḥ-ib n nsw ḫnty tꜣ-šmꜥ.w
the only friend, the king's confident, the one at the head of Upper Egypt
Nectanebo (II) Snedjemibre-Setepeniniheret
n srq(.t) ḥr(y)-jb bḥd.t
for the scorpion, residing in Edfu
Cleopatra VII Philopator
n ḏꜣr(.t)-ꜥnḫ ḥr(y)-jb jtn
for Djaret-ankh, residing in the sun disk
Cleopatra VII Philopator
wrd jb nṯr sḫm ḥr sꜣq wsḫ
weary of heart, the powerful god gathering the collar
Cleopatra VII Philopator
ḥḥ r ḥꜣ.t=s ḥfnw r pḥ.wy=s šn.wt mḏ.w m ḥr(.y)-jb=s
Millions before her, hundred of thousands behind her, hundreds and tens in her middle.
Cleopatra VII Philopator
ḥr-smꜣ-tꜣ.wy nb ḫꜣ-dj nṯr ꜥꜣ ḥr(.y)-jb jwn.t rꜥ pw ḫpr ḏs=f m sp tp(.y)
Harsomtus, lord of +txA-di+l, great god, who resides in Dendera, it is Re who came to be by himself the first time
Cleopatra VII Philopator