Token | Source | Date |

sꜣ.t-nswt n.t ẖ.t=f tjs.t ḥr ḫt ḥr mr-s(y)-ꜥnḫ
The daughter of the king, of his body, the companion of Horus, the follower of Horus, Mersyankh.
4th Dynasty

sḥwj ꜥf[f]
the catching of flies.
5th Dynasty

ḥfꜣ sḫr ḥfꜣ(.w) nb(.w) ḫꜣs.t
The lizard: all the lizards of the foreign lands are trown down
Asosi Djedkare

nḏr.t ꜥ=f jn jt.w jn kꜣ.w=f
capturing his hand, by the fathers, by his ka's
Asosi Djedkare

jr.t wnjs m dgj.w n=f
the eye of Unas, don't look at him!

jmj jwj Wsjr m jw.t=f tw ḏw.t
Let Osiris not come in that bad coming of his.
Pepi I Merire

mw.t=f tf jꜥr.t ꜥnḫ.t tp.t rꜥ
this, his mother, the living uraeus snake which is upon Re,
Pepi I Merire

ꜥꜣ ḥr=f ḫtn ḫns ḫtm=f m jr.ty ḏw.t
The door, upon it is the xtn of the double bull, its lock is as the two evil eyes.
Pepi I Merire

nj ḫbss n=f tꜣ nj sqr n=f wdn.t
The land can not be hacked for him, the wdn.t-offering cannot be presented to him.
Pepi II Neferkare

qr.yw qꜣ m-ẖnw ḥfnn.w
the ?storm? which is ?high? within the ?innumerables?
1st Intermediate Period

ḥtp-ḏj-nzw jnp.w tp.j-ḏw=f jm.j-wt nb-tꜣ-ḏsr-m-s.wt=f-nb.wt-nfr.wt
An offering which the king gives, and Anubis, upon his mountain, who is in the place of embalming, lord of the necropolis in all his beautiful places
1st Intermediate Period

wp=f wꜣ.wt mrr.t=f m ḥtp sp sn.w
may he open the roads that he loves in peace, in peace.
Mentuhotep I Tepi-a

ḥtp-ḏ-nswt jnp.w tp(.j)-ḏw=f jm(.j)-wt nb-tꜣ-ḏsr pr.t-ḫrw ḫꜣ t' ḥnq.t ḫꜣ kꜣ ꜣpd ḫꜣ šs mnḫ.t ḫꜣ (j)ḫ.t nb(.t) nfr(.t) wꜥb(.t) [...]
An offering that the king gives and Anubis, who is upon his mountain, lord of the embalming place, lord of the sacred land: an invocation offering (of) a thousand of bread and beer, a thousand of bulls and birds, a thousand of alabaster and linen, a thousand of all good and pure things, [...]
Intef III Nakhtnebtepnefer

sꜣ=f mr=f ḥfnr
The son, whom he loves, Hefner
Middle Kingdom

jr n rḥ.w-ꜥnḫ ḥm.t=f
which was performed by Rehouankh, his wife
Middle Kingdom

jnk pw hꜣ r z=f jt=j r nḏ.t
I am send to his man, my father, in order to protect ...
Middle Kingdom

jmꜣḫ.y ḫr jnp.w ḥfnr mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
Honoured dead under Anubis, Hefner, justified.
11th Dynasty (after reunification)

nfr qd sbꜣ.n bjꜣ.t=f mj ẖrd ḫpr m-ꜥ jt
one who is good of character, whom his nature has taught, like a child comes to be through the father
11th Dynasty (after reunification)

wn=f ḫnt.j
May he be foremost [...]
Mentuhotep II Nebhepetre (complete reign)

m-m ꜥšꜣ.t=f
among his multitudes
Mentuhotep IV Nebtawyre

jꜥr.t=f wr.t jm.t pr jt jtm.w
His great uraeus, which is in the house of the father Atoum.
Senwosret I Kheperkare

j(w)=j r=f m msḥ ḥr mw m ḥfꜣ.w ḥr tꜣ m ḫft.y m ẖr.t-nṯr
I am against him like a crocodile in the water, as a snake upon the land, as an enemy in the necropolis.
Senwosret I Kheperkare

ḥms=f ḥr jmn.t n(.t) wsjr
may he sit to the right of Osiris,
Senwosret I Kheperkare

bḥd.t(y) nb p.t dj=f ꜥnḫ ḏd wꜣs
He of Behedet, the lord of the sky, may he give live, stability and dominion.
Senwosret I Kheperkare

sḏm=f hn.w m r n tꜣ-wr
May he hear jubilation from the mouth of Thinis
Amenemhat II Nebukaure

sꜣq.n=f tꜣ pn rdj.n n=f rꜥ
He has gathered this land which Re has given to him.
Amenemhat II Nebukaure

sbk n pḥ.wy mw ḏd=f
Sobek of the back of the water, he says:
Senwosret II Khakheperre

ꜣd.t r=f djdj=f sꜣ=f ḥm-ḫt wꜣ=f r ꜣd
If one is aggressive to him, he turns his back, if one retreats he becomes aggressive.
Senwosret III Khakaure

pḥ.w pḥ.t(w)=f gr.w gr.t(w)
who attacks when he is attacked; who is silent when one is silent
Senwosret III Khakaure

ꜣd.t r=f djdj=f sꜣ=f ḥm-ḫt wꜣ=f r ꜣd
If one is aggressive to him, he turns his back, if one retreats he becomes aggressive.
Senwosret III Khakaure

ꜣd.t r=f djdj=f sꜣ=f ḥm-ḫt wꜣ=f r ꜣd
If one is aggressive to him, he turns his back, if one retreats he becomes aggressive.
Senwosret III Khakaure

r jn.t mfkꜣ.t bjꜣ r ḫ.wt n(.wt) mšꜥ.w=f
in order to bring turquoise and metal to the possesions of his troops.
Amenemhat III Nimaatre

jnk jmꜣḫ pr.y m-sꜣ ꜥq=f
I am an honoured one, who goes forth after he who enters.
18th Dynasty

smn.t jn ḥm=f ꜥnḫ wḏꜣ snb ḥr wrr.t=f m-bꜣḥ jt=f rꜥ-ḥr-ꜣḫ.ty-ḥꜥ.y-m-ꜣḫ.t
remaining by his majesty, life, prosperity, health, upon his chariot, in front of his father Rehorachte, who rejoices in the horizon
Amenhotep IV / Akhenaten Neferkheperure

smn.t jn ḥm=f ꜥnḫ wḏꜣ snb ḥr wrr.t=f m-bꜣḥ jt=f rꜥ-ḥr-ꜣḫ.ty-ḥꜥ.y-m-ꜣḫ.t
remaining by his majesty, life, prosperity, health, upon his chariot, in front of his father Rehorachte, who rejoices in the horizon
Amenhotep IV / Akhenaten Neferkheperure

ḏfꜣ.w pr=f n ḏ.t m ḥḥ.w ḥfn.w m ẖ.wt
who provisions his house of eternity with millions and hundreds of thousands of things,
Amenhotep IV / Akhenaten Neferkheperure

dwꜣ rꜥ ḥtp=f
Worshipping Ra, when he rests
19th Dynasty

sꜣ=f nfr-ḥtp mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
his son, Neferhotep, justified.
19th Dynasty

bꜣ.w pw n sbjk msḥ.w jw bꜣ n nṯr nb m ḥfꜣ.w jw bꜣ n ꜥꜣpp m bꜣẖ.w
The souls of Sobek are crocodiles, while the soul of every god is as snakes, while the soul of Apophis is the white of the eye
Sety I Menmaatre

jt=j mr=f ẖrty-nṯr n jmn m tꜣ kꜣ.t ẖry.t sꜣ-mw.t mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
My father, whom he loves, the stonecutter of Amon in the underground work, Samout, true of voice.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

sꜣ=f mr=f pn-pꜣ-ḫnty mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
his beloved son, Penpakhenty, justified.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

mj jr.wt n mꜣꜥ.ty djdj jmn m jb=f
(like) what is done to a righteous man who has placed Amon in his heart.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

dwꜣ rꜥ ḫft wbn
Adoring Re when he rises
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

n kꜣ n sḏm-(ꜥš) m s.t-(mꜣꜥ.t) pn-nḫt mꜣꜥ-ḫrw sꜣ=f ḥr-nfr mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
for the ka of the servant in the Place-of-Truth, Pennakht, his son, Hornefer, justified.
20th Dynasty

sḫr.w=f ḫpr sḫr n=f
his enemies, who became cast down for him
Ramesses III Usermaatre-Meriamun

šnj.t nṯr šp tp=f šnj.t=ṯ ḏs=ṯ nn srq.t
the god, whose head is blind will be summoned; you yourself will be summoned here, scorpion.
26th Dynasty

ḏd=f jyj pw jr.n wr ꜥꜣ n nb n ḫꜣs.t nb(.t) kmbjṯt r km.t
He says: the king of the lord of every foreign land, Cambyses, came to Egypt
Cambyses Mestiure

n=j smḥy tfn bfn ḥꜣ=j sp sn.w mstt msttf ẖr ḥnk.t=j ptt ṯtt mꜣtt
for me, left: Tefen and Befen, behind me, behind me: Mestet and Mestetef, under my bedchamber: Petet, Tjetet and Matet.
Nectanebo (II) Snedjemibre-Setepeniniheret

mḥy.t pr m tf(n).t ꜥnḫ pr m rꜥ jd.t pr m ꜣs.t
the north wind goes forth from Tefnut, life goes forth from Re, the pleasant smell goes forth from Isis,
Graeco-Roman Period

nb ꜥnḫ srq ḥty.t mw.t=f ꜣs.t ḥr wd
the lord of life, who causes the throat of his mother Isis to breathe upon putting (the protection upon him)
Ptolemy IV Philopator

ḥr bḥḏ.t ꜥpy šps sḫḫ tꜣ m šw.t=f
Horus of Edfu, the noble winged sun in scarab form, who hastens the land with his shadow
Ptolemy VI Philometor

sꜥr.n=j (j)r=f wr-ḥkꜣw r ḥr=k wp=j r=k sp fd.w
I have caused that the one great of magic ascends to your face, while I open your mouth four times.
Ptolemy VI Philometor

sbk n pꜣ jꜣ.t nṯr ꜥꜣ ḥqꜣ tꜣ.wy m pḥ.ty=f(y) jty tꜣ.wy
Sobek of the mound, the great god, who rules the two land with his strenght, the sovereign of the two lands
Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II

sbk n pꜣ jꜣ.t nṯr ꜥꜣ jy n ꜥš n=f sḏm nḥ.wt
Sobek of the mound, the great god, who comes to the one that calls for him, who hears the prayers
Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II

ms ꜥbb r ḫḫ n rꜥ r sꜣw ḥm=f r sb.yw
who presents the scarab to the neck of Ra, in order to protect his majesty against enemies
Ptolemy IX Soter II (1st reign in Egypt)

ḥr ꜥq r ꜣḫ.t=f
entering into his horizon,
Ptolemy IX Soter II (1st reign in Egypt)

nṯr nfr jty nb nḥḥ šn ḥꜣ=f m snḥm
The good god, the sovereign, the lord of eternity, who encircles that which is behind him as the locust
Ptolemy XI Alexander II

ḫꜣꜥ.n=f bjꜣ=f r=f m ꜣ.t wꜥ.t
He has thrown his harpoon at him in one moment of attack
Ptolemy XI Alexander II

ḥr bḥd.t nṯr ꜥꜣ nb p.t [..] sꜣ rꜥ ḫy pr jm=f
Horus of Edfu, the great god, the lord of the sky, [..] the son of Re, who rose and went forth from him.
Ptolemy XI Alexander II

bꜣ n jtm.w dj=f s(w) m ḏ.t=f m jtn wr dj ḥḏḏ.wt pr=f m pr=f
The Ba of Atoum, he places him in his body as the great sun disk, which gives brightness while it goes forth from its house
Ptolemy XIII

dwn ꜥ.wy=f(y) ẖr ꜥnḫ-mrr
who extends his two arms under the anx-mrr scarab
Ptolemy XIII

wḏb.w šn.y qr.ty ḏd kꜣ jmn sꜣ ꜥnḫ wꜣs ḥꜣ=f nb
The riverbanks which encircle the two caverns of the Nile, enduring of hidden Ka, is the protection of life, dominion and everything behind him.
Ptolemy XIII

ḫj [n mw.t]=f dj s(w) ḥr mnbj.t m ḥb=f nfr
The child [of his mother] who placed him upon the throne in his good festival
Ptolemy XIII

ꜥšꜣ smn.w=f m ḏ.t=f ẖ.t=f ḏsr ḏ.t=f tp rnp.t n nḥb-k(ꜣw)
numerous are his shapes in the day and night, sacred is his body at the beginning of the year because of Nehebkau,
Ptolemy XIII

jnj=f n=k ḏfḏ.y wḏꜣ.t [m] sṯy-nṯr ḥr ḏw pꜣy=f n msdm.t
He brings the two pupils of the Udjat eye with the incense upon his mountain of black eye paint
Ptolemy XIII

ꜥšꜣ smn.w=f m ḏ.t=f ẖ.t=f ḏsr ḏ.t=f tp rnp.t n nḥb-k(ꜣw)
numerous are his shapes in the day and night, sacred is his body at the beginning of the year because of Nehebkau,
Ptolemy XIII

ꜥq=f psḏ-tꜣ.wy m mk n ẖn.ty=f
he enters the 'which illuminates the two lands' bark in the festival of his statue
Ptolemy XIII

bꜣ n jtm.w dj=f s(w) m ḏ.t=f m jtn wr dj ḥḏḏ.wt pr=f m pr=f
The Ba of Atoum, he places him in his body as the great sun disk, which gives brightness while it goes forth from its house
Ptolemy XIII

ḏd mdw jn rnn.wtt srq.t ḫsf ḏdf.wt ḥm.t nmt.t sn r [pr]-šps.t
Recitiation by Renenoutet-Serket, who opposes the snakes, who repels and strides through them to the house of the noble one.
Ptolemy XIII

nṯr pn šps wnp sḫn.wt=f m hh=f smꜣ ꜥfꜥ.w m ꜥbb(.t)=f
This noble god, who stabs his supports with his blast, who kills the crocodiles with his spear/harpoon.
Cleopatra VII Philopator

nṯr pn šps wnp sḫn.wt=f m hh=f smꜣ ꜥfꜥ.w m ꜥbb(.t)=f
This noble god, who stabs his supports with his blast, who kills the crocodiles with his spear/harpoon.
Cleopatra VII Philopator

wnn skr sꜣq m ḏ.t=f ḥqꜣ.t ḥnw wṯs ḥm=f m tꜣ
Sokar is gathered in his body, she who rules the Henu-bark, who lifts his majesty in the land.
Cleopatra VII Philopator

ḏd-mdw (j)n ḥr nb mdny.t jwꜥ n wn-nfr-mꜣꜥ-ḫrw sms.w nfr ḥr s.t jt=f
Recitation by Horus, lord of Medenit, heir of Wennofer, justified, the beautiful elder upon the throne of his father
Cleopatra VII Philopator

sꜣ ꜥnḫ wꜣs nb ḥꜣ=f mj rꜥ ḏ.t šny qr.ty ḏd kꜣ jmn wḏb.w
the protection of all life and dominion is behind him like Re, eternally, which encircles the twin caverns of the nile, enduring of the hidden kA and the riverbanks
Cleopatra VII Philopator

jwf m ḥr n ꜥbnḫ ds m ꜥ.wy=f(y)
a monkey with the face of a frog, a knife in its two hands
Cleopatra VII Philopator

ptḥ=sn r=sn fnḏ=sn
they open their mouth and their nose
Cleopatra VII Philopator

s.t tꜣ mw.t mšꜥ.w ꜥšꜣ.w m smꜣ.yw stš jm=f
The place of the death of the numerous soldiers among the followers of Seth
Cleopatra VII Philopator

jwf m ḥr n ꜥbnḫ ds m ꜥ.wy=f(y)
a monkey with the face of a frog, a knife in its two hands
Cleopatra VII Philopator

jyj=f n=ṯ mn.w=f r dmj
He comes to you, his ship is towards the harbour
Cleopatra VII Philopator

šꜥd šnṯ.yw m ꜥbb=f
who cuts down the crocodiles with his harpoon
Cleopatra VII Philopator

dj ṯꜣw n ꜥnḫ r fnḏ nb.ty wr.t pḥ.ty sḥꜥꜥ tꜣ pn sḫntš jdb.w m ꜣḫ.w=f
who gives the breath of life to the nose of the two ladies, great of strenght, who causes this land to be glad, who causes the riverbanks to rejoice in his power
Cleopatra VII Philopator

jyj=f n=ṯ mn.w=f r dmj
He comes to you, his ship is towards the harbour
Cleopatra VII Philopator

bꜣ šps n wsjr ḫnt.(y) jmn.t(y)t nṯr ꜥꜣ nb ꜣbḏ.w wsjr jwn wr m jwn.t bꜣ šps jyj=f m ꜣḫ šps r ẖnm ḫpr.w=f m ḥw.t-nṯr=f
The noble ba of Osiris, formost of the west, great god, lord of Abidos, Osiris the pillar, great one in Dendera, the noble ba, he comes as the noble spirit in order to unite with his shapes in his temple.
Cleopatra VII Philopator

šn=f ḥꜣ=f twt=sn r snḥm
he surrounds that which is behind him, all of them more than locusts
Cleopatra VII Philopator

sṯḥn.n=f ꜣḫ.t m rd
he has made the field bright with plants

jn=f n=ṯn ḫnp-kꜣ m qrr.t=f r tr=f
He brings the water of the inundation to you from its cavern at its season,