Token | Source | Date |

nb.t jmꜣḫ ḫr nṯr ꜥꜣ sꜣ.t-nswt ẖkr.t nswt nn-sḏr-kꜣ(=j)
possessor of dignity under the great god, the daughter of the king, the ornament of the king, Nensedjerkai.
4th Dynasty

wr mḏ-šmꜥ hkꜣ mḥ(.y)t ḥm-nṯr ḥq.t ḫt ḥꜣ zꜣ-nswt
the great one of the ten of Upper Egypt, the heka-priest of Mehyt, the priest of Heqet, the xt-priest of Ha, the son of the king,

sꜣ rꜥ mr.y wꜣḏ.t
the son of Re, beloved of Wadjet,
Ini Nyuserre

jꜣ jwi.n=k trj ṯn zꜣ=j
Oh, where have you come to my son?
Pepi I Merire

stẖ ꜥꜣ pḥ.ty sꜣ nw.t nb p.t tꜣ ḥqꜣ tꜣ.wy
Seth, great of might, son of Nout, lord of the sky and of the earth, ruler of the Two lands.
Ramesside Period

jrj.t.n n=f zꜣ=f sms.w mr.y=f [...]
That which his eldest son, whom he loves, [...], did for him.
1st Intermediate Period

sꜣ=f mr=f ḥfnr
The son, whom he loves, Hefner
Middle Kingdom

ḥr.w zmꜣ-tꜣ.wj zmꜣ-tꜣ.wj ḥr.w-nbw q(ꜣ)-š nb-ḥp.t-rꜥw zꜣ-rꜥ mnṯ.w-ḥtp.w ꜥnḫ mj rꜥ ḏ.t
Horus Sema-tawi, Two Ladies Sema-tawi, Golden Falcon Qa-shuti, King of Upper and Lower Egypt, 𓍹Nebhepetra𓍺, son of Re, 𓍹Mentuhotep𓍺, living like Re for ever.
Mentuhotep II Nebhepetre (complete reign)

[nb] tꜣ.wj nsw-bj.t nb-ḥp.t-rꜥ sꜣ-rꜥ mnṯ.w-[ḥtp.w]
[Lord of the Two Lands], King of Upper and Lower Egypt Nebhepetre, son of Re Mentu[hotep]
Mentuhotep II Nebhepetre (complete reign)

sꜣ-rꜥ sn-wsr.t mr.y nṯr nb ḥw.t-ꜥꜣ.t
The son of Re, Senwosret, who the god, the lord of the great house loves.
Senwosret I Kheperkare

ḏd-mdw jn jmn-rꜥ sꜣ(=j) pw sn-wsr.t jr n(=j) mn.w nfr.w bnr.w(y) mr.wt=k ḫr=j ꜥnḫ.tj ḏ.t
Recitation by Amon-Re: It is my son, Senwosret who made the good monument for me. How sweet is your love with me, while you live forever.
Senwosret I Kheperkare

jr.t.n n=f zꜣ jm.j-r'-pr jn-(j)t=f mꜣꜥ-ḫrw sꜥnḫ r=f ms.n nfr-sḫ.t
which the son, the chamberlain Intef, true of voice, who causes his mouth to live, whom Nefersechet brought forth, made for him.
Senwosret I Kheperkare

ḏd-mdw jn jmn-rꜥ kꜣ mw.t=f dj.n(=j) tꜣ.wy ḥqꜣ.t jdb.wy n sꜣ n ẖ.t(=j) sn-wsr.t dj ꜥnḫ ḏd wꜣs mj rꜥ ḏ.t
Recitation by Amon-Re, bull of his mother. I have given the kingship of the two lands and the rulership of the two riverbanks to the son of my body, Senwosret, given life, stability and dominion, like Re, eternaly.
Senwosret I Kheperkare

sꜣ=j n ẖ.t=j mr.y=j nb ḫpš rꜥ-ms-s(w)-mr(.y)-jmn smn=j n=k sḫm.ty m tp=k
My son of my body, whom I love, the lord of strenght, Ramesses Meriamon, I will establish the double crown upon your head for you.
Sety I Menmaatre

(q)mꜣ.n rꜥ-ḥr-kꜣ-nḫ.t mry mꜣꜥ.t nb tꜣ.wy wsr-mꜣꜥt-rꜥ sꜣ rꜥ nb ḫꜥw.w rꜥ-ms-sw-mry-jmn dj ꜥnḫ
begotten by Rahorkanakht, beloved of Maat, the lord of the Two Lands, Ousermaatra, son of Ra, the lord of apparitions, Ramses-Meryamun, may he live.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

sꜣ=f sꜥnḫ rn=f nfr-ꜥꜣb.t mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
his son who keeps his name alive, Neferabu, justified.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

sꜣ=f mr=f pn-pꜣ-ḫnty mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
his beloved son, Penpakhenty, justified.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

wbn=k ẖr snb ꜥnḫ n sꜣ=k
You rise bringing health and life to your son.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

jt=j mr=f ẖrty-nṯr n jmn m tꜣ kꜣ.t ẖry.t sꜣ-mw.t mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
My father, whom he loves, the stonecutter of Amon in the underground work, Samout, true of voice.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

ḥr bḥd.t nṯr ꜥꜣ nb p.t [..] sꜣ rꜥ ḫy pr jm=f
Horus of Edfu, the great god, the lord of the sky, [..] the son of Re, who rose and went forth from him.
Ptolemy XI Alexander II

twt sꜣ wr prj m qꜣy.t nḥb-kꜣw grg tꜣ pn
You are the eldest son, who went forth from the high field, Nehebkau who established this land.
Cleopatra VII Philopator