Token | Source | Date |

jnk jt n(.j) nmḥ.w sm ẖꜣr.wt [...]
I was a father to the poor one, one who took care of widows; [...]
Senwosret I Kheperkare

n ḥbs t ḥnq.t ḫꜣm.wt ḏsr.t jꜣt.t kꜣ.w rḫs(.w)
of allotted bread and beer, chamet beer, djeseret beer, Iatet drink, slaughtered oxen,
Amenemhat II Nebukaure

nḏ ḥr jt=f ḥw ẖꜣk.w-jb nb nḫt šsp=f wrr.t
who protects the face of his father, who beats the rebels, the lord of strenght, while he recieves the wereret crown,
13th Dynasty

spd.w šnw.wt=k sḫr=s ḫft.j.w=k nḏ ḥr jt ḥw ẖꜣk.w-jb=k nb nḫt šzp=f wrr.t d.y n=f jwꜥ.t jt
Sopdu, your royal court is overthrowing your enemies, who avenges the father, who beats your disaffected persons, Lord of victory, when he receives the Weret-crown. The father’s inheritance was given to him.
13th Dynasty

mn ẖꜣb.t=s m tp=ṯ
while its curl of the red crown endures on your head,
Hatshepsut Maatkare

sḫr ẖꜣb.ty
who overthrow the crooked one
Tutankhamun Nebkheperure

ḥtp jb=f ḥr mꜣꜣ snf ḥsq.t=f tp.w n(.w) ẖꜣk.w-jb
His heart is satisfied upon seeing blood when he chops off the heads of rebels.
Sety I Menmaatre

n mr.y spꜣ.t ẖr.t-nṯr tꜣ-ḏsr sštꜣ jmn.t n=f sḥꜣp.t ẖꜣ.t ḥz.yw
For whom the district of the necropolis loves, the secret Ta-djeser, which is hidden for him, which conceals the corpses of the favoured ones.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

npḏ.n=f st m sp wꜥ ẖꜣ.wt r sṯ.t bꜣẖw
He slaughtered them in one blow so that the corpses reached all the way to easternmost Asia
Nectanebis (I) Kheperkare