Token | Source | Date |

wḏ ḥm=f rdj.t nḫt.w rdj.n n=f jt=f [jmn]
His majesty commands that which caused that the victories, which his father [Amon] has given to him, is establised
Tuthmosis III Menkheperre (complete reign)

smn.t jn ḥm=f ꜥnḫ wḏꜣ snb ḥr wrr.t=f m-bꜣḥ jt=f rꜥ-ḥr-ꜣḫ.ty-ḥꜥ.y-m-ꜣḫ.t
remaining by his majesty, life, prosperity, health, upon his chariot, in front of his father Rehorachte, who rejoices in the horizon
Amenhotep IV / Akhenaten Neferkheperure

nb sšp ḥqꜣ ḥḏḏ.wt ḥr.y ns.t=f m ꜥꜣ ḫꜥ.w m ꜥ
the lord of light, the ruler of the rays of light, who is upon his throne in the night bark, who is great of appearences in the day bark,
Tutankhamun Nebkheperure

wsjr nzw nb tꜣ.wy mn-mꜣꜥ.t-rꜥw st.y-mr-n-ptḥ wḥm-ꜥnḫ nb-jmꜣḫ
Osiris, king, lord of both lands, Menmaatre Seti-merenptah, renewing life, possessor of veneration
Sety I Menmaatre

mrr n ḥm=f rꜥw-nb zꜣb ꜥḏ-mr-ḏꜣ.tt
... loved by his majesty every day, dignitary and administrator of an estate
Sety I Menmaatre

nṯr.w jpn ḥr gs(.wy)=fy ḥr dhn tꜣ m-bꜣḥ ḥm=f
these gods are upon his two sides and touch the land in the presence of his majesty.
Sety I Menmaatre

zẖꜣ.w-nzw sbꜣ.n ḥm=f sḫpr.n nb-tꜣ.wj m swḥ.t
the royal scribe whom his majesty taught, whom the lord of both lands brought up from the egg
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

[ꜥnḫ] nṯr nfr ꜥn m nswt nfr ḥr mj rs.y-jnb=f
May he live, the good god, who is pleasant as king, beautiful of face like the one who is south of his wall
Ramesses III Usermaatre-Meriamun

m-ḫt rf iw ḥm=f r šsm.t ḥr sḥtp nṯr pn šps spdw nb iꜣbt.t
after His Majesty had come to Shesmet while satisfying this august god, Sopdu, the lord of the East
Nectanebis (I) Kheperkare