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pr.t-ḫrw n=s t ḥnq.t pꜣ.t kꜣ m ḥ(ꜣ)b nb rꜥ nb ḫ.t nb(.t) nfr.t m ḥtp-ḏj-nswt
An invocation offering for her of bread, beer, cakes and cattle on every festival and every day, every good thing as a gift that the king gives offering.
4th Dynasty
rḏ.y n=k jr.ty=k m jꜥr.ty=k
Your eyes are given to you as your two uraeus snakes
Pepi I Merire
ḥtp-ḏj-nzw jnp.w tp.j-ḏw=f jm.j-wt nb-tꜣ-ḏsr-m-s.wt=f-nb.wt-nfr.wt
An offering which the king gives, and Anubis, upon his mountain, who is in the place of embalming, lord of the necropolis in all his beautiful places
1st Intermediate Period
ḥtp-dj nsw jnp.w tp(.j)-ḏw=f jm.j-wt nb tꜣ-ḏsr pr.t-ḫrw n ḥꜣ.tj-ꜥ ḫ smḥr wꜥ.tj ḥr.j-ḥ(ꜣ)b jmꜣḫ jndj ḏd
An offering which the king gives (and) Anubis, who is upon his hill, Imiut, lord of the sacred land, invocation offerings for the mayor, sealbearer of the king of Lower Egypt, sole companion, lector priest, the revered, Indi, who says:
9th/10th Dynasties
ḥtp-ḏ-nswt jnp.w tp(.j)-ḏw=f jm(.j)-wt nb-tꜣ-ḏsr pr.t-ḫrw ḫꜣ t' ḥnq.t ḫꜣ kꜣ ꜣpd ḫꜣ šs mnḫ.t ḫꜣ (j)ḫ.t nb(.t) nfr(.t) wꜥb(.t) [...]
An offering that the king gives and Anubis, who is upon his mountain, lord of the embalming place, lord of the sacred land: an invocation offering (of) a thousand of bread and beer, a thousand of bulls and birds, a thousand of alabaster and linen, a thousand of all good and pure things, [...]
Intef III Nakhtnebtepnefer
jy.n(=j) m ḥtp r ꜥḥ=f dj.n(=j) {n} n=f tp.w ḫꜣs.wt m ḥmt mꜣ n bꜣ.wt
I came in peace to his palace. I gave to him the best of the foreign lands in new copper of Baut, ...
11th Dynasty (after reunification)
ḥtp-ḏ-nswt wsjr nb-ḏd.w pr.t-ḫrw t (ḥnq.t) iḥ.w ꜣpd.w n.t jmꜣḫ.w ḫr nṯr-ꜥꜣ nb-p.t jn-jt=f ms.n ṯfj
An offering which the king gives and Osiris, lord of Busiris: an invocation offering of bread (beer), beef and fowl of the honoured dead under the Great god, lord of the sky, Intef, who Tjefi brought forth.
Mentuhotep II Nebhepetre (complete reign)
ḥtp-dj-nswt wsjr nb ḏdw ḫnt(.y) jmn.tyw nb ꜣbḏw
An offering that the king gives of Osiris, lord of Busiris, formost of the westerners, lord of Abydos,
Amenemhat I Sehetepibre
dj hq.t ḥnꜥ ẖnm.w
which Heqet and Khnoum gave,
Senwosret I Kheperkare
ḏd-mdw dj.n(=j) n=k ꜣw.t-jb nb ḏd-mdw dj.n(=j) n=k snb nb ḫr(=j)
Recitiation: I have given all joy to you. Recitation: I have given all health through me.
Senwosret II Khakheperre
ḏd-mdw dj.n(=j) n=k ꜣw.t-jb nb ḏd-mdw dj.n(=j) n=k snb nb ḫr(=j)
Recitiation: I have given all joy to you. Recitation: I have given all health through me.
Senwosret II Khakheperre
ḥtp-dj-nsw.t rꜥ-ḥr-ꜣḫ.ty
Royal offering for Rahorakhty,
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre
rḏ.t jꜣw n rꜥw m ꜣḫ.t=f jn jm.j-r'-jp.t-nzw pꜣy mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
giving praise to Re in his horizon by the overseer of the royal harim Pay, justified
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre
sbk-rꜥ ḫꜥ m wꜣs.t dj ḥtp n sš n(y)-sw.t jmn-ms.wj
Sobek-Re, appearing in Thebes, who gives peace to the royal scribe, Amonmose.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre
(q)mꜣ.n rꜥ-ḥr-kꜣ-nḫ.t mry mꜣꜥ.t nb tꜣ.wy wsr-mꜣꜥt-rꜥ sꜣ rꜥ nb ḫꜥw.w rꜥ-ms-sw-mry-jmn dj ꜥnḫ
begotten by Rahorkanakht, beloved of Maat, the lord of the Two Lands, Ousermaatra, son of Ra, the lord of apparitions, Ramses-Meryamun, may he live.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre
rdj jꜣw.w n kꜣ=t tꜣ nb.t tꜣ.wy
Give praise to your ka, the Lady of the Two-Lands
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre
rdj jꜣw.w n ḥw.t-ḥr nb p.t ḥnw.t jmnt.t
Give praise to Hathor, lady of the sky, ruler of the West
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre
bꜣ n jtm.w dj=f s(w) m ḏ.t=f m jtn wr dj ḥḏḏ.wt pr=f m pr=f
The Ba of Atoum, he places him in his body as the great sun disk, which gives brightness while it goes forth from its house
Ptolemy XIII
bꜣ n jtm.w dj=f s(w) m ḏ.t=f m jtn wr dj ḥḏḏ.wt pr=f m pr=f
The Ba of Atoum, he places him in his body as the great sun disk, which gives brightness while it goes forth from its house
Ptolemy XIII
m dj(.t) r tꜣ n nb hdn
in giving to the land of the lord of the hdn plant
Cleopatra VII Philopator
dj ṯꜣw n ꜥnḫ r fnḏ nb.ty wr.t pḥ.ty sḥꜥꜥ tꜣ pn sḫntš jdb.w m ꜣḫ.w=f
who gives the breath of life to the nose of the two ladies, great of strenght, who causes this land to be glad, who causes the riverbanks to rejoice in his power
Cleopatra VII Philopator
dj=s rnp.wt ꜥšꜣ.w(t) wr.w(t) n sꜣ=s mr.y=s
She gives many and great years to her son whom she loves
Cleopatra VII Philopator
ḏd jn wsjr ḫnt.y jmn.tyw nb ꜣbḏw sꜣ n wr tp n gbb wpj ḫ.wt nfr ḥr dj ꜥnḫ ḏd wꜣs nb snb nb ꜣw-jb nb n djw-ḥr nḥḥ ḏ.t jry
Spoken by Osiris, the formost of the westerners, the lord of Abidos, the firstborn son of Geb, who judges the cases, beautiful of face, who gives all life, stability and dominion, all health and all joy to Teüris, all eternity and forever.