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ẖn sw jm.yw ꜣḫ.t sqd sw jm.yw qbḥ.w
the ones in the horizon will row him, the ones in the cool waters will sail him
ẖn sw jm.yw ꜣḫ.t sqd sw jm.yw qbḥ.w
the ones in the horizon will row him, the ones in the cool waters will sail him
šzp=k ḥd=k ꜣsm=k sšm=k jmy.w nw.w
may you receive your mace and your Ames scepter, may you lead those who are in Noun.
Pepi I Merire
nhz j jm.j.w knz.t tp-ꜥ.wy sdꜣ wr [...]
Wake up, oh those who are in Kenzet, those who are before the great egret [...]
Nemtiemsaf I Merenre I
ḥtp-ḏj-nzw jnp.w tp.j-ḏw=f jm.j-wt nb-tꜣ-ḏsr-m-s.wt=f-nb.wt-nfr.wt
An offering which the king gives, and Anubis, upon his mountain, who is in the place of embalming, lord of the necropolis in all his beautiful places
1st Intermediate Period
ḥtp-dj nsw jnp.w tp(.j)-ḏw=f jm.j-wt nb tꜣ-ḏsr pr.t-ḫrw n ḥꜣ.tj-ꜥ ḫ smḥr wꜥ.tj ḥr.j-ḥ(ꜣ)b jmꜣḫ jndj ḏd
An offering which the king gives (and) Anubis, who is upon his hill, Imiut, lord of the sacred land, invocation offerings for the mayor, sealbearer of the king of Lower Egypt, sole companion, lector priest, the revered, Indi, who says:
9th/10th Dynasties
ḥtp-ḏ-nswt jnp.w tp(.j)-ḏw=f jm(.j)-wt nb-tꜣ-ḏsr pr.t-ḫrw ḫꜣ t' ḥnq.t ḫꜣ kꜣ ꜣpd ḫꜣ šs mnḫ.t ḫꜣ (j)ḫ.t nb(.t) nfr(.t) wꜥb(.t) [...]
An offering that the king gives and Anubis, who is upon his mountain, lord of the embalming place, lord of the sacred land: an invocation offering (of) a thousand of bread and beer, a thousand of bulls and birds, a thousand of alabaster and linen, a thousand of all good and pure things, [...]
Intef III Nakhtnebtepnefer
jr r(')-ꜥꜣ ḥr n.t(j)t jw.t(j)t ḫnt.j jꜣ.wt m pr-nswt nb pꜣ.t ḏr rk tp.jw.w-ꜥ jm.j-jb-n-nswt m ꜥḥ=f m sḥr rḫ.yt ḥr=f jw.w n=f
one who acts as a gate upon all that is and that is not, one foremost of offices in the royal palace, lord of the old time since the time of the ancestors, king's favourite in his palace in keeping the commoners who come to him away from him,
Mentuhotep II Nebhepetre (complete reign)
sn wsr.wt jm.yw st.t jty ꜥrf ḥꜣ.w-nb.w
who cuts the throaths of the Asiatics, the sovereign who surrounds the islanders,
Senwosret I Kheperkare
tp(.y) ḏw=f jm.y wt nb tꜣ ḏsr
who is upon his mountain, who is in the place of embaling, the lord of the sacred land
Senwosret I Kheperkare
ḏd mdw jn ẖr.j-hꜣb.t pꜣ-wꜣḥ.y n nṯr.w jm.jw mr-nḫꜣ.wj šms.w n(.w) wnn-nfr
Words spoken by the lector-priest Pawahy to the gods who are in the Lake of the Two Knives, the retainers of Wennefer
Amenhotep III Nebmaatre
jt nṯr n jmn smꜣ n mnw jmy-ḫnt n fꜣj ꜥ ḥm-nṯr n wꜣḏ.ty ḥsk.w n wnn-nfr
The god's father of Amon, the Stolist of Min, the chamberlain of the one who lifts the arm, the priest of the two Uraeus snakes, the Hesek priest of Wenennofer,
Ramesses IV Usermaatre-Setepenamun