Description: Man, standing, with his right arm outstretched before him, with the left arm hanging beside the body.
Basic Form: full quadrat
Tag: holding nothingmanstandingwith raised arms
Type: simple

Function type Semantic value Use
classifier calling, calculating regular


ḥm=j ḥr njs ṯnw.t r mꜣ.n tꜣ.wy tm
My majesty called a count, more than what the entire two lands had seen
Hatshepsut Maatkare

... njs=tw ḥr rn=k
... when someone calls your name
Tutankhamun Nebkheperure

n kꜣ n ꜥš mn.w n jmn m jp.t-s.wt
for the ka of the one who calls the monuments for Amon in Karnak
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

sḏm=k njs
May you hear the call
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre
Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 445
Creator: S.D. Schweitzer
Function type Semantic value Use
classifier vocative interjection regular


j m=k w(j) šꜣs=j ḥr qrr.t=k swt js jm(j) q(ꜣ)b.w
Oh, behold me, while I travel upon your cavern, however the one who is within the windings.
2nd half of the 7th century BC

j mḥsḥs pw jꜣꜥ bḥz pw
O, this fithy one, take this calf out!
Kaiuhor Menkauhor

j wꜥb.w ẖr.jw-ḥꜣb.t [...]
o wab-priests and lector priests [...]
Amenhotep III Nebmaatre

j sr.w ꜥꜣ.w ktt.w pꜥ.wt nb.(w)t rḫ.yt nb.t ḥnmm.t nb(.t)
O nobles, great and small, all patricians, all humankind, all sunfolk
Tutankhamun Nebkheperure
Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 445
Creator: L. Seelau
Editor(s): L. Seelau
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram j vocative interjection regular


j sš.w nb(.w) rḫ(.w) m jꜣ.t=ṯn
O, all knowledgeble scribes in your vocation
18th Dynasty

j wr(.w)-ḫrp-ḥmw.tjw
o you great masters of craftsmen
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre
Cauville, Sylvie (2001), Dendara: le fonds hiéroglyphique au temps de Cléopâtre, page 13
Kurth, Dieter (2007), Einführung ins Ptolemäische: eine Grammatik mit Zeichenliste und Übungsstücken, volume 1, page 127
Creator: S.D. Schweitzer
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram ꜥš call, summons regular


sḏm-ꜥš n ḥm-nṯr sn.w ḥr-ms
The servant of the second priest, Harmose.
Tuthmosis IV Menkheperure
Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 445
Creator: L. Seelau
TSL_3_7944 00

[Source: Jsesh]
TSL_3_15204 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram j vocative interjection regular

j sš.w nb(.w) rḫ(.w) m jꜣ.t=ṯn
O, all knowledgeble scribes in your vocation
TSL_3_18558 00
Function type Semantic value Use
classifier calling, calculating regular

n kꜣ n ꜥš mn.w n jmn m jp.t-s.wt
for the ka of the one who calls the monuments for Amon in Karnak
TSL_3_18619 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram j vocative interjection regular

j wr(.w)-ḫrp-ḥmw.tjw
o you great masters of craftsmen
TSL_3_18819 00
Function type Semantic value Use
classifier calling, calculating regular

... njs=tw ḥr rn=k
... when someone calls your name
TSL_3_19295 00
Function type Semantic value Use
classifier vocative interjection regular

j wꜥb.w ẖr.jw-ḥꜣb.t [...]
o wab-priests and lector priests [...]
TSL_3_19687 00
Function type Semantic value Use
classifier vocative interjection regular

j sr.w ꜥꜣ.w ktt.w pꜥ.wt nb.(w)t rḫ.yt nb.t ḥnmm.t nb(.t)
O nobles, great and small, all patricians, all humankind, all sunfolk
TSL_3_21503 00
Function type Semantic value Use
classifier vocative interjection regular

j m=k w(j) šꜣs=j ḥr qrr.t=k swt js jm(j) q(ꜣ)b.w
Oh, behold me, while I travel upon your cavern, however the one who is within the windings.
TSL_3_21617 00
Function type Semantic value Use
classifier vocative interjection regular

j mḥsḥs pw jꜣꜥ bḥz pw
O, this fithy one, take this calf out!
TSL_3_22028 00
Function type Semantic value Use
classifier calling, calculating regular

ḥm=j ḥr njs ṯnw.t r mꜣ.n tꜣ.wy tm
My majesty called a count, more than what the entire two lands had seen
TSL_3_22032 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram ꜥš call, summons regular

sḏm-ꜥš n ḥm-nṯr sn.w ḥr-ms
The servant of the second priest, Harmose.
TSL_3_24011 00
Function type Semantic value Use
classifier calling, calculating regular

sḏm=k njs
May you hear the call
Borghouts, J. F. (2010), Egyptian: an introduction to the writing and language of the Middle Kingdom, 2 vols. Egyptologische Uitgaven 24, page 17, note 17
Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 445
Gardiner  A26
Hieroglyphica  A26
Jsesh  A26
Unicode  U+1301E 𓀞
Cite as

Please cite as: Class TSL_1_396_00<http://thotsignlist.org/mytkclass?id=396&cl=00>, in: Thot Sign List <http://thotsignlist.org>,
edited by Université de Liège and Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Creator: L. Seelau
Editor(s): J. Grotenhuis, L. Seelau, S.D. Schweitzer, M. Bader

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