Description: A seat.
Basic Form: tall narrow
Tag: seat
Type: simple

Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram wsjr Osiris (divinity) regular


ḥms=f ḥr jmn.t n(.t) wsjr
may he sit to the right of Osiris,
Senwosret I Kheperkare
Creator: TSL
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram s.t seat, throne, place regular


pp.y pn jr ḫnt jtr.ty ḥms=f s.t n.t ꜥpr.w qd
this Pepi is at the front of the two shrines, may he sit (in) the place of those who are equipped of form.
Pepi I Merire

sḏm-ꜥš m s.t-mꜣꜥ.t wꜥb jmn-rꜥ
the servant in the Place-of-Truth, the wab-priest of Amun-Ra,
Ramesside Period

jr.n sḏm-ꜥš m s.t-mꜣꜥ.t ḥri-nfr mꜣꜥ-ḫrw sꜣ=f ḥnw.t-mtr
Made by the servant in the Place-of-Truth, Horinefer, justied, his daughter, Henoutmeter.
Ramesside Period

ḥtp-ḏj-nzw jnp.w tp.j-ḏw=f jm.j-wt nb-tꜣ-ḏsr-m-s.wt=f-nb.wt-nfr.wt
An offering which the king gives, and Anubis, upon his mountain, who is in the place of embalming, lord of the necropolis in all his beautiful places
1st Intermediate Period

jsṯ tꜣ pn ẖr s.t ḥr=f ḫnt.t r ꜣbw pḥ.t r tꜣ-wr ṯn(.y)
while this land was under his care, south to Elephantine, north to Thinis of the Thinite nome.
Intef II Wahankh

jsṯ w(j) m-ẖnw nḫn.t=j m ḏḏ nswt z r jꜣw.t=f m hꜣꜣ z m s.t jt=(f)
I was then in the middle of my youth, when the king (usually) appoints a man to his office, when a man (usually) assumes (his) father's position.
Mentuhotep II Nebhepetre (complete reign)

wꜥb n nb tꜣ.wy m s.t-mꜣꜥ.t jdnw n tꜣ js.t qd-ḫ.t=f
the wab priest of the lord of the Two-Lands in the Place-of-Truth, deputy of the crew, Qedkhetef.
Ramesses III Usermaatre-Meriamun
Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 500
Creator: J. Grotenhuis
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram ꜣs.t regular


mꜣ.n ṯw ꜣs.t ḥnꜥ nb.t-ḥw.t gm.n=sn ṯw jꜥb=sn ṯw
Isis and Nephthys have seen you, they have found you and they will unite you
Pepi I Merire

ḥm-nṯr wsjr ḫnt(y) ḥw.t-nṯr ḥm-nṯr ꜣs.t ḥḏḏ.t
The priest of Osiris, formost of the temple, the priest of Isis the scorpion
26th Dynasty

mḥy.t pr m tf(n).t ꜥnḫ pr m rꜥ jd.t pr m ꜣs.t
the north wind goes forth from Tefnut, life goes forth from Re, the pleasant smell goes forth from Isis,
Graeco-Roman Period

nb ꜥnḫ srq ḥty.t mw.t=f ꜣs.t ḥr wd
the lord of life, who causes the throat of his mother Isis to breathe upon putting (the protection upon him)
Ptolemy IV Philopator

ḏd-mdw (j)n ꜣs.t ḥḏḏ.t n(.t) bḥd.t mw.t-nṯr n bjk nbw.t
Recitation by Isis, the scorpion of Edfu, the mother of the god for the falcon, the golden one
Ptolemy XIII

n ꜣs.t wḥꜥ
for Isis, the scorpion
Cleopatra VII Philopator
Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 500
Creator: TSL
Editor(s): J. Grotenhuis
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram ḥtm regular


ḥtm.n=f jb.t=f jm=f
He has quenched his thirst with it.
Senwosret II Khakheperre
Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 500
Creator: TSL
Editor(s): J. Grotenhuis
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram st regular


jr.n sḏm-(ꜥš) m s.t-mꜣꜥ.t sbk-nḫt jt=f pꜣ-ḥry-pḏ.t
Made by the servant in the Place-of-Truth, Sobeknakht, his father, Paherypedjet.
Ramesside Period

srwḏ.n jnp.w mꜣs.tj=j
Anubis made my two knees firm.
19th Dynasty

ptḥ n tꜣ s.t nfr(.w)
Ptah of the of the Valley of the Queens
20th Dynasty
Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 500
Creator: TSL
Editor(s): S.D. Schweitzer, J. Grotenhuis
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram ws regular


qbḥ=k jpn wsjr qbḥ=k jpn hꜣ wnjs
This cool water of yours, Osiris, this cool water of yours, O Unas

ꜥ.wy=k n=k wsjr
Your arms belong to you, Osiris!

jmj jwj Wsjr m jw.t=f tw ḏw.t
Let Osiris not come in that bad coming of his.
Pepi I Merire

nm p.t ḥnꜥ sꜣḥ ẖn dwꜣ.t ḥnꜥ wsjr
[...] who travels the sky with Orion and rows the Duat with Osiris.
Nemtiemsaf I Merenre I

wsir ꜣḫ.t jqr.t n rꜥ (šr)j-rꜥ
Osiris, the efficient spirit of Ra, (Sher)ira.
Ramesside Period

ḥtp-dj-nsw wsjr nb ḏd.w ḫnt(.y) jmn.tyw nb ꜣb(ḏ.w) ḥꜣ.t(y)-ꜥ smḥr-wꜥ.t(y) ḥqꜣ ḥw.t (j)m(.y)-r(ꜣ) jꜥꜣ.w ḏꜣr.j
A royal offering (for) Osiris, Lord Of Djedu, and Khenti-Amentiu, Lord of Abydos, (in favour of) the major, sole companion, estate manager and overseer of the interpreters Djari
Intef II Wahankh

[...] t' wꜥb n(.j) pr mnṯ.w dbḥ.t-ḥtp m pr wsjr mrr.t ꜣḫ.w wn(m) jm n (j)m(.j)-r(')-sbꜣ.w mꜣꜥ.t(j) ḏd
[...] pure bread from the estate of Montu, a funerary meal from the estate of Osiris, in which the blessed spirits wish to eat, for the doorkeeper Maat(i), who says:
Intef III Nakhtnebtepnefer

rꜣ n hꜣ ḏꜣḏꜣ.t hrw qrs wsjr sḏm-ꜥ(š) m s.t-mꜣꜥ.t nfr-rnp.t mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
A spell for going down to the tribunal, the day of the burial (of) the osiris, the servant in the Place-of-Truth, Neferronpet, justified,
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

dj=sn ḫ.t nb nfr wꜥb n kꜣ n wsjr sḏm-ꜥš m s.t mꜣꜥ.t
May she give me all things good and pur for the ka of the osiris, the servant of the Place-of-Truth
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

ḥm-nṯr wsjr ḫnt(y) ḥw.t-nṯr ḥm-nṯr ꜣs.t ḥḏḏ.t
The priest of Osiris, formost of the temple, the priest of Isis the scorpion
26th Dynasty

ḏd jn wsjr ḫnt.y jmn.tyw nb ꜣbḏw sꜣ n wr tp n gbb wpj ḫ.wt nfr ḥr dj ꜥnḫ ḏd wꜣs nb snb nb ꜣw-jb nb n djw-ḥr nḥḥ ḏ.t jry
Spoken by Osiris, the formost of the westerners, the lord of Abidos, the firstborn son of Geb, who judges the cases, beautiful of face, who gives all life, stability and dominion, all health and all joy to Teüris, all eternity and forever.
Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 500
Creator: TSL
Editor(s): J. Grotenhuis
TSL_3_12701 00

[Source: Jsesh]
TSL_3_14886 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram wsjr Osiris (divinity) regular

ḥms=f ḥr jmn.t n(.t) wsjr
may he sit to the right of Osiris,
TSL_3_15588 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram ws regular

ḥm-nṯr wsjr ḫnt(y) ḥw.t-nṯr ḥm-nṯr ꜣs.t ḥḏḏ.t
The priest of Osiris, formost of the temple, the priest of Isis the scorpion
TSL_3_15589 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram ꜣs.t regular

ḥm-nṯr wsjr ḫnt(y) ḥw.t-nṯr ḥm-nṯr ꜣs.t ḥḏḏ.t
The priest of Osiris, formost of the temple, the priest of Isis the scorpion
TSL_3_15704 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram ꜣs.t regular

mḥy.t pr m tf(n).t ꜥnḫ pr m rꜥ jd.t pr m ꜣs.t
the north wind goes forth from Tefnut, life goes forth from Re, the pleasant smell goes forth from Isis,
TSL_3_15780 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram ꜣs.t regular

nb ꜥnḫ srq ḥty.t mw.t=f ꜣs.t ḥr wd
the lord of life, who causes the throat of his mother Isis to breathe upon putting (the protection upon him)
TSL_3_16470 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram ꜣs.t regular

ḏd-mdw (j)n ꜣs.t ḥḏḏ.t n(.t) bḥd.t mw.t-nṯr n bjk nbw.t
Recitation by Isis, the scorpion of Edfu, the mother of the god for the falcon, the golden one
TSL_3_16681 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram ꜣs.t regular

n ꜣs.t wḥꜥ
for Isis, the scorpion
TSL_3_17631 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram ws regular

ḏd jn wsjr ḫnt.y jmn.tyw nb ꜣbḏw sꜣ n wr tp n gbb wpj ḫ.wt nfr ḥr dj ꜥnḫ ḏd wꜣs nb snb nb ꜣw-jb nb n djw-ḥr nḥḥ ḏ.t jry
Spoken by Osiris, the formost of the westerners, the lord of Abidos, the firstborn son of Geb, who judges the cases, beautiful of face, who gives all life, stability and dominion, all health and all joy to Teüris, all eternity and forever.
TSL_3_17755 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram ws regular

jmj jwj Wsjr m jw.t=f tw ḏw.t
Let Osiris not come in that bad coming of his.
TSL_3_18195 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram s.t seat, throne, place regular

ḥtp-ḏj-nzw jnp.w tp.j-ḏw=f jm.j-wt nb-tꜣ-ḏsr-m-s.wt=f-nb.wt-nfr.wt
An offering which the king gives, and Anubis, upon his mountain, who is in the place of embalming, lord of the necropolis in all his beautiful places
TSL_3_18267 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram ws regular

[...] t' wꜥb n(.j) pr mnṯ.w dbḥ.t-ḥtp m pr wsjr mrr.t ꜣḫ.w wn(m) jm n (j)m(.j)-r(')-sbꜣ.w mꜣꜥ.t(j) ḏd
[...] pure bread from the estate of Montu, a funerary meal from the estate of Osiris, in which the blessed spirits wish to eat, for the doorkeeper Maat(i), who says:
TSL_3_18465 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram s.t seat, throne, place regular

pp.y pn jr ḫnt jtr.ty ḥms=f s.t n.t ꜥpr.w qd
this Pepi is at the front of the two shrines, may he sit (in) the place of those who are equipped of form.
TSL_3_18500 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram s.t seat, throne, place regular

jsṯ w(j) m-ẖnw nḫn.t=j m ḏḏ nswt z r jꜣw.t=f m hꜣꜣ z m s.t jt=(f)
I was then in the middle of my youth, when the king (usually) appoints a man to his office, when a man (usually) assumes (his) father's position.
TSL_3_19101 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram ws regular

nm p.t ḥnꜥ sꜣḥ ẖn dwꜣ.t ḥnꜥ wsjr
[...] who travels the sky with Orion and rows the Duat with Osiris.
TSL_3_19417 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram s.t seat, throne, place regular

jsṯ tꜣ pn ẖr s.t ḥr=f ḫnt.t r ꜣbw pḥ.t r tꜣ-wr ṯn(.y)
while this land was under his care, south to Elephantine, north to Thinis of the Thinite nome.
TSL_3_19487 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram ꜣs.t regular

mꜣ.n ṯw ꜣs.t ḥnꜥ nb.t-ḥw.t gm.n=sn ṯw jꜥb=sn ṯw
Isis and Nephthys have seen you, they have found you and they will unite you
TSL_3_19609 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram ws regular

ꜥ.wy=k n=k wsjr
Your arms belong to you, Osiris!
TSL_3_19712 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram ws regular

qbḥ=k jpn wsjr qbḥ=k jpn hꜣ wnjs
This cool water of yours, Osiris, this cool water of yours, O Unas
TSL_3_20742 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram st regular

srwḏ.n jnp.w mꜣs.tj=j
Anubis made my two knees firm.
TSL_3_21150 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram ḥtm regular

ḥtm.n=f jb.t=f jm=f
He has quenched his thirst with it.
TSL_3_23213 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram ws regular

ḥtp-dj-nsw wsjr nb ḏd.w ḫnt(.y) jmn.tyw nb ꜣb(ḏ.w) ḥꜣ.t(y)-ꜥ smḥr-wꜥ.t(y) ḥqꜣ ḥw.t (j)m(.y)-r(ꜣ) jꜥꜣ.w ḏꜣr.j
A royal offering (for) Osiris, Lord Of Djedu, and Khenti-Amentiu, Lord of Abydos, (in favour of) the major, sole companion, estate manager and overseer of the interpreters Djari
TSL_3_23648 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram st regular

jr.n sḏm-(ꜥš) m s.t-mꜣꜥ.t sbk-nḫt jt=f pꜣ-ḥry-pḏ.t
Made by the servant in the Place-of-Truth, Sobeknakht, his father, Paherypedjet.
TSL_3_23663 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram st regular

ptḥ n tꜣ s.t nfr(.w)
Ptah of the of the Valley of the Queens
TSL_3_23692 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram s.t seat, throne, place regular

sḏm-ꜥš m s.t-mꜣꜥ.t wꜥb jmn-rꜥ
the servant in the Place-of-Truth, the wab-priest of Amun-Ra,
TSL_3_23728 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram s.t seat, throne, place regular

jr.n sḏm-ꜥš m s.t-mꜣꜥ.t ḥri-nfr mꜣꜥ-ḫrw sꜣ=f ḥnw.t-mtr
Made by the servant in the Place-of-Truth, Horinefer, justied, his daughter, Henoutmeter.
TSL_3_23804 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram ws regular

wsir ꜣḫ.t jqr.t n rꜥ (šr)j-rꜥ
Osiris, the efficient spirit of Ra, (Sher)ira.
TSL_3_23901 00
Function type Phonetic value Semantic value Use
logogram s.t seat, throne, place regular

wꜥb n nb tꜣ.wy m s.t-mꜣꜥ.t jdnw n tꜣ js.t qd-ḫ.t=f
the wab priest of the lord of the Two-Lands in the Place-of-Truth, deputy of the crew, Qedkhetef.
TSL_3_24116 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram ws regular

dj=sn ḫ.t nb nfr wꜥb n kꜣ n wsjr sḏm-ꜥš m s.t mꜣꜥ.t
May she give me all things good and pur for the ka of the osiris, the servant of the Place-of-Truth
TSL_3_24184 00
Function type Phonetic value Use
phonemogram ws regular

rꜣ n hꜣ ḏꜣḏꜣ.t hrw qrs wsjr sḏm-ꜥ(š) m s.t-mꜣꜥ.t nfr-rnp.t mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
A spell for going down to the tribunal, the day of the burial (of) the osiris, the servant in the Place-of-Truth, Neferronpet, justified,
Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 500
Gardiner  Q1
Hieroglyphica  Q1
Jsesh  Q1
Unicode  U+132A8 𓊨
Cite as

Please cite as: Class TSL_1_5153_00<http://thotsignlist.org/mytkclass?id=5153&cl=00>, in: Thot Sign List <http://thotsignlist.org>,
edited by Université de Liège and Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Creator: L. Seelau
Editor(s): J. Grotenhuis, S. Grallert, L. Seelau, M. Bader, S.D. Schweitzer

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