About the Thot Sign List (TSL)
1. A (brief) history of the Thot Sign List (TSL)
The idea of this digital repertoire
of hieroglyphic signs goes back to a workshop in 2013 entitled ‘Gestion
informatisée des écritures anciennes. État des lieux et perspectives’ (21th–22nd
of May – Tours, France). Based
on an analysis of thousands of spellings found in the Ramses corpus ,
Polis & Rosmorduc (2013) showed that the encoding scheme that is used for
hieroglyphic texts, known as the Manuel de Codage (Buurman et al. 1988)
– a standard that developed chaotically based on practical needs for text
editions implemented in new software solutions (Gozzoli 2013, Rosmorduc 2015:
2–4) –, is problematic for the development of text corpora (see already
Nederhof 2013). Since the same observation holds true for Unicode (Everson
1999, Everson and Richmond 2007), which basically takes over the hieroglyphic signs
and their paleographical variants found in existing sign lists without critical
analysis (Schenkel 1999, Meeks 2013), it became clear that a new repertoire of
hieroglyphic sign would be a worthwhile undertaking for the Egyptological
community. The planned digital sign list would (minimally) have (1) to be
structured, making a clear distinction between meaningful variants at the
functional and iconic levels, and (2) to be referenced, including links to
ancient sources displaying signs in context, with specific functions and forms.
These general principles were shared by Meeks (2013) and Polis & Rosmorduc
(2013), and discussed by Hafemann (2018).
In 2015, the project was
introduced at the 11th International Congress of Egyptologists
(Florence) and materialized thanks
to the Anneliese Mayer research grant
introduced by Joachim Fr. Quack (at that time director of the Berlin Egyptian Wörterbuch
Project with the TLA, its electronic corpus) and awarded to Jean Winand
(University of Liège). Henceforth, it has been conceived as a joint endeavor
between the University of Liège and the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences
and Humanities. In 2015-2016, the data model was finalized (Jorke Grotenhuis, Stéphane
Polis, Vincent Razanajao, Serge Rosmorduc) and a first version of the encoding
tool was implemented by Luc Desert (CIPL) in Liège, while hieroglyphic sign
functions were documented in Berlin within a specific database (Silke Grallert,
Ingelore Hafemann, Simon D. Schweitzer, Dina Serova, and Lisa Seelau).
By January 2016, the
online encoding tool was functional. Having imported hieroglyphic signs from JSesh
as well as digitized hieroglyphs from
printed sign lists (such as the Berliner Zeichenliste
and the unpublished list by Hornung & Schenkel, kindly provided by Wolfgang
Schenkel), and having integrated the preliminary data collected by the Berlin
team, a systematic encoding of signs, functions and their related sources could
begin. From 2016 to present, Jorke Grotenhuis has been the main person in
charge of the encoding in Liège, while several scholars from Germany enriched and
emended the database: Max Bader, Peter Dils, Silke Grallert, Tilmann
Kunze, Lisa Seelau, Dina Serova, Jakob Schneider, Simon D. Schweitzer,
Anja Weber, Daniel Werning.
In 2018, a first internal
workshop was held in Liège (18th–19th of January) in
order to evaluate the tool and data encoded in TSL thus far (Peter Dils,
Jorke Grotenhuis, Ingelore Hafemann, Stéphane Polis, Vincent Razanajao, Daniel
Werning, and Jean Winand). This resulted in an evolution of the database
structure, and led to the implementation of several new features. It was
followed by a second internal workshop on the 15th–16th
of May 2018 (Peter Dils, Silke Grallert, Jorke Grotenhuis, Ingelore Hafemann,
Simon D. Schweitzer, Lisa Seelau, Daniel Werning) aimed at solving further
structural issues and at organizing the encoding process. In 2019, a first version
of the end-user interface was released online during the 12th
International Congress of Egyptologists (6th of November, Cairo).
Buurman, Jan,
Nicholas Grimal, Michael Hainsworth, Jochen Hallof, and Dirk van der Plas.
1988. Inventaire des signes hiéroglyphiques en vues de leur saisie
informatique : Manuel de codage des textes hiéroglyphiques en vue de leur
saisie sur ordinateur / Manual for the encoding of hieroglyphic texts for
computer-input / Leitfaden zur Verschlüsselung hieroglyphischer Texte für die
Computer-Angabe, 3rd consolidated ed. (Informatique
et Égyptologie 2 ; Mémoires de l’Académie des inscriptions et
belles-lettres, nouvelle série 8), Paris: Institut de France.
Everson, Michael.
1999. “Encoding Egyptian hieroglyphs in Plane 1 of the UCS” (Internet resource:
Everson, Michael
& Bob Richmond. 2007. “Proposal to encode Egyptian hieroglyphs in the SMP
of the UCS”. Working Group Document ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2 N3237, International
Organization for Standardization.
resource: http://std.dkuug.dk/jtc1/sc2/wg2/docs/n3237.pdf)
Gozzoli, Roberto
B. 2013. “Hieroglyphic text processors, Manuel de Codage, Unicode, and
lexicography”. In Polis, Stéphane and Jean Winand (eds), Texts, languages
& information technology in Egyptology: selected papers from the meeting of
the Computer Working Group of the International Association of Egyptologists
(Informatique & Égyptologie), Liège, 6-8 July 2010, Liège: Presses
Universitaires de Liège, pp. 89–101.
Hafemann, Ingelore
2018. “Die beschreibende und kommentierte hieroglyphische Zeichenliste als
offenes System”. In Gülden, Svenja A., Kyra van der Moezel & Ursula
Verhoeven (eds), Ägyptologische “Binsen”-Weisheiten III: Formen und
Funktionen von Zeichenliste und Paläographie. Akten der internationalen und
interdisziplinären Tagung in der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur,
Mainz, im April 2016, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, pp. 19–49.
Meeks, Dimitri.
2013. “Dictionnaire Hiéroglyphique, Inventaire Hiéroglyphique et Unicode”, Document
Numérique 16 (3), pp. 31–44.
Nederhof, Mark-Jan.
2013. “The Manuel de Codage encoding of hieroglyphs impedes development of
corpora”. In Polis, Stéphane & Jean Winand (eds), Texts, languages &
information technology in Egyptology: selected papers from the meeting of the
Computer Working Group of the International Association of Egyptologists
(Informatique & Égyptologie), Liège, 6-8 July 2010, Liège: Presses
Universitaires de Liège, pp. 103-110.
Polis, Stéphane &
Serge Rosmorduc. 2013. “Réviser le codage de l’égyptien ancien : vers un
répertoire partagé des signes hiéroglyphiques”, Document numérique 16
(3), pp. 45–67.
Rosmorduc, Serge
2015. “Computational linguistics in Egyptology”. In Stauder-Porchet, Julie,
Andréas Stauder & Willeke Wendrich. UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology
2015 (April).
Wolfgang. 1999. “Comments on the question of encoding Egyptian hieroglyphs in
the UCS”, in: http://std.dkuug.dk/jtc1/sc2/wg2/docs/n2096.pdf (accessed 2019-10-22).
2. Goal, data model and audience of TSL
2.1. General
As TSL is born
out of the practical necessity of creating electronic corpora of hieroglyphic
texts in a principled way (see Section 1), its first aim is to document the functions
attested for individual signs in order to indicate which standardized character
may be used in which context. To meet this goal, two non-trivial steps must be
First, ancient sources have
to be identified for as many functions as possible. Referenced sign lists (such
as Gardiner 1957: 438–549, Cauville 2001, Kurth 2009, I: 3–453, Schenkel 1983,
I: 45–83, or Borghouts 2010, II: 10–195) greatly helps in this respect, but
finding an actual image or accurate facsimile of individual sources – a
prerequisite for a proper scientific approach of the written material, since
handwritten transcriptions and glyphs in fonts are unfortunately not reliable enough
(Meeks 2013) – can turn out to be a challenge. Luckily enough, the
situation is quickly improving thanks to the digital turn in the field
illustrated for instance by the Karnak project
and the open access policy of several Egyptological museums.
Second, among the
available signs in modern lists and fonts, one has to identify glyphs that are
actualization of the same character (or grapheme) and as such share the same function(s).
This was the original intention of the Manuel de Codage (Buurman et al.
1988: 51) that states explicitly: “there is a clear distinction made between graphemes
and graphic variants. Code written as letter + figure (+ figure, + figure)
refer to graphemes – i.e. hieroglyphs differing one from the other in
their reading or meaning. Codes written as letter + figure (+ figure, + figure)
+ letter refer to graphic variants – i.e. hieroglyphs
differing neither in their reading nor in their meaning from those they come
from”. With the Latin alphabet, this amount to state that ‘a’ and ‘a’ are both instances of an abstract grapheme <a>,
which is rather uncontroversial. However, defining and identifying graphemes is
a notoriously difficult task (Klinkenberg & Polis 2018: 69–81) and is even
more problematic for iconic scripts, like the hieroglyphic one, where minor
figurative variations can turn out to be significant.
In the example of Fig. 1 (coming
from the Manuel de Codage), one can deduce based on the codes that
A6A, A6B, A6C, and A6D are groups of graphic variants of A6, which is identified
as the standard grapheme. Each group is illustrated by a number of tokens
(between 1 and 7) that are characterized by iconic differences: A6
[vase on top of the head], A6A [water backwards], A6B [vase in the hand(s)],
A6C [water in both directions], A6D [libation vase with several trickles of
water]. Note that such descriptions have to be inferred from the catalogue
and that some tokens (e.g., the 4th of A6) do not fit the proposed
analysis. Despite the iconic differences, these groups of variants
should share the same reading (or have the same meaning), here presumably
wꜥb ‘(to be) pure’, but such information about the signs’
function is not part of the Manuel.

Fig. 1.
“Hommes assis versant de l’eau”
(Buurman et al. 1988: 57)
Note however that the Manuel
is not systematic here. A first illustration is D7 (eye with painted lower lid)
and D7A (eye with painted upper lid). According to the abovementioned principles,
the latter should be a variant of the former. However, the signs are not only different
from an iconic point of view, they also have distinct functions: D7A is
apparently not used as phonogram ꜥn(ty) or as a classifier with
the semographic value [adornment, beauty]
like D7, but rather as a [sight]
related grapheme. The opposite scenario also occurs (this time inherited from
Gardiner): D19 (𓂉) and D20 (𓂊) receive two different
codes, while Gardiner states explicitly that the latter is a ‘semi-cursive
variant of last (…) Use as last, but seldom in careful sculptures or paintings’
(Gardiner 1957: 452). Accordingly, both hieroglyphs should rather be envisioned
as ‘graphic variants’ than as distinct graphemes (as would seem to be the case
based on their codes).
Fig. 2a. D7
vs. D7A
(Buurman et al. 1988: 89)
Fig. 2b. D19
vs. D20
(Buurman et al. 1988: 90)
Furthermore, problems
arise due to the fact that various influential sign lists display different
sign shapes or even different glyphs under one an the same code (cf., e.g.,
A7/A7A, N13, or M3A in Hieroglyphica vs. JSesh [default
2.2. TSL data
The TSL data
model has been designed in order to tackle these challenges in a principled
way. The most straightforward way to explain it is assuredly to describe the
encoding process in a bottom-up fashion (in what follows, conceptual entities
of the database are capitalized). One starts from a Document (temple, stela, etc.) in which ancient hieroglyphic Sources can be recognized. The Documents and the Sources are described with metadata
provided by the Thot thesauri). A Source contains hieroglyphic Tokens, a label that refers to actual
hieroglyphic signs that are materialized on a medium. In this specific context,
each Token has one Function (or ‘reading’, for instance, a
phonographic function x or a logographic function y) and participate
in one Class – defined as a group
of Tokens with similar iconic
features; Classes are therefore conceptually
identical to coherent groups of ‘graphic variants’ in the Manuel de Codage.
Finally, a Sign is a
second-degree abstraction, a grapheme envisioned as a cluster of Classes whose Tokens share the same Functions.
The basic data model of Fig. 3 visualizes the textual description provided

Fig. 3. Basic
visualization of the TSL data model
Three remarks are in
order. (1) The encoding workflow cannot follow (systematically) the bottom-up
process outlined above. Indeed, it is only after having collected several Tokens for a given Sign that different Classes can be identified: the creation
of Classes calls for an analysis
of the written variation. As such, Tokens
are usually first connected to a (highly abstract) Sign (dashed-line in Fig. 3),
and Classes are only identified
later on. Consequently, if Signs
are essentially clusters of Classes,
they may include Tokens that belong
to the Sign from a functional
point of view, but are not categorized in specific, subordinated, Class. Fig. 4 represents this
state of affair.

Fig. 4. Basic
visualization of the TSL data model
(2) Classes and Signs are both generalizations over empirical observations:
there is no ontological distinction between the two categories that share identical
features (they can be represented by a prototypical glyph, have a code, be
described with tags, etc.). Therefore, it was decided to represent Signs with a Class 00 (cf. Fig. 4). Note that the IDs in TSL
have either a prefix 1 for abstract Signs
and Classes (e.g., TSL_1_82
for A1 or TSL_1_630_01 for A4C, etc.), or a prefix 3 for concrete Tokens.
(3) A Function is first and foremost a
property of an individual Token
in context (Fig. 3), and only indirectly a feature of the Sign to which the Token belongs. However, in order to be
able to document Functions that
are not (or not yet) documented ancient Sources
(either because we did not yet manage to find an actual example or because the
said function is found in the modern literature but has been proven wrong), Functions are also directly connected
to Signs (see the dotted line in Fig. 3).
2.3. Targeted audience
As should appear from
the above, while including a paleographical dimension (since images and
facsimiles of ancient sources are provided whenever possible), the primary goal
of TSL is not to provide Egyptologists with a paleographical analysis of
the hieroglyphic material. There are specific projects devoted to this question
(such as the volumes of the Paléographie hiéroglyphique at the French
Archaeological Institute in Cairo, initiated by Meeks 2004) and TSL does
not intend to (and will not) replace them. Rather, we principally have the
following users in mind:
editors, encoders, software developers, and others who look for stable IDs for
hieroglyphic graphemes and sign shapes, with precise indications about their
meaning and uses.
for whom TSL can be a convenient resource for learning about the possible
readings and functions of hieroglyphic signs.
specialists, who will find here a list of Classes
that are duly documented and can safely be integrated in standards like
Borghouts, Joris F.
2010. Egyptian: an introduction to the writing and language of the Middle
Kingdom, 2 vols. (Egyptologische Uitgaven 24).
Leiden/Leuven: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten; Peeters.
Buurman, Jan,
Nicholas Grimal, Michael Hainsworth, Jochen Hallof, and Dirk van der Plas.
1988. Inventaire des signes hiéroglyphiques en vues de leur saisie
informatique : Manuel de codage des textes hiéroglyphiques en vue de leur
saisie sur ordinateur / Manual for the encoding of hieroglyphic texts for
computer-input / Leitfaden zur Verschlüsselung hieroglyphischer Texte für die
Computer-Angabe, 3rd consolidated ed. (Informatique
et Égyptologie 2 ; Mémoires de l’Académie des inscriptions et
belles-lettres, nouvelle série 8), Paris: Institut de France.
Cauville, Sylvie.
2001. Dendara : le fonds hiéroglyphique au temps de Cléopâtre,
Paris: Cybele.
Gardiner, Alan.
1957. Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs,
3rd ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hieroglyphica =
Grimal, Nicolas, Jochen Hallof & Dirk van der Plas. 2000. Hieroglyphica:
Sign list, liste des signes, Zeichenliste, 2. ed., rev. and enlarged
(Publications interuniversitaires de recherches égyptologiques informatisées
1). Utrecht:
Centre for Computer-aided Egyptological Research.
JSesh = Rosmorduc,
Serge. 2014.
JSesh Documentation, available at: http://jseshdoc.qenherkhopeshef.org (accessed
Jean-Marie & Stéphane Polis. 2018. “On scripturology”. Translated by
Todd J. Gillen. Signata : Annales des sémiotiques / Annals of
Semiotics 9, pp. 57-102
Kurth, Dieter.
2007–2015. Einführung ins Ptolemäische: eine Grammatik mit Zeichenliste und
Übungsstücken, 3 vols. Hützel: Backe.
Manuel de Codage = Buurman et al.
Meeks, Dimitri.
2004. Les architraves du temple d’Esna : paléographie (Paléographie
hiéroglyphique 1). Cairo: Institut français d’archéologie orientale.
Meeks, Dimitri.
2013. “Dictionnaire Hiéroglyphique, Inventaire Hiéroglyphique et Unicode”, Document
Numérique 16 (3), pp. 31–44.
Wolfgang. 1983. Aus der Arbeit an einer Konkordanz zu den altägyptischen
Sargtexten, vol. I: Zur Transkription des Hieroglyphisch-Ägyptischen
(Göttinger Orientforschungen, Reihe IV, Ägypten 12). Wiesbaden:
3. What is available for whom, and how does it work?
For first release of TSL
(version 1.0), the goal has been to have the digital repertoire
‘Gardiner-ready’, which means that the hieroglyphic Signs and Functions
found in Gardiner’s (1957: 438–548) sign list should be documented with at
least one Token coming from an
ancient Source. The scope of
version 1.0 is however not limited to Gardiner (1957): if an interesting Sign, Class
or Function was documented in a Source processed for TSL, it has
been encoded.
Data available online is as follows:
1203 Signs (vs. 7051 in total),
4842 Functions (vs. 5838 in total),
21834 Tokens (vs. 22328 in total).
There are two basic ways
to explore TSL: (1) Browsing
(§3.1) or (1) Searching (§3.2).
Both approaches present the users with Signs
– displayed bigger, with darker
border – and Classes – displayed smaller, with lighter border. This distinction (Fig. 5)
shows in a straightforward way which specific Class
has been selected to represent a Sign
(see Section 2.2 for more details about the data model).
When clicking on the
code associated with a Sign or Class, the user opens a new tab in
the browser, which displays the relevant Sign,
with its Functions, Classes and Tokens (Section 3.3).
Note that clicking on a Class
(e.g., A7A in Fig. 5) will open the Sign
to which this Class belongs
(represented by A7 in Fig. 5)

Fig. 5.
Sign vs. Class in TSL
Depending the user’s
level of access (Section 3.4), the quantity of information that can be visualized
vary, but is essentially the same in qualitative terms.
3.1. Browsing TSL
When browsing TSL, two types
of filters are available: (1) the category to which a Sign belongs, and (2) its basic shape. Both organizing
principles are standard in Egyptology since Gardiner (1957), but for the
thematic categories we follow the new structure suggested by Meeks (2004: XIX–XXII).
Both filters may be combined: in Fig. 6, the Signs and Classes
belong to the ‘Loafs and cakes’ category and have a ‘low narrow’ shape.

Fig. 6. Filtering
the signs in TSL
The codes displayed when browsing TSL
are meant to help the user identify quickly a sign based on the codes that (s)he
knows. They are based, in hierarchical order, on Gardiner (1957),
JSesh, Hieroglyphica, Unicode, and the IFAO catalogue.
This means, for instance, that a code from Unicode will only be displayed at
this level if the hieroglyphic sign did not receive a code in Gardiner (1957), JSesh
or in the Hieroglyphica.
If the mouse is
positioned over the code of a Sign
(or Class), an overview of the
functions associated with the Sign is
shown. Fig. 7 illustrates this point. Two functions are available for the Sign linked to Gardiner code A35: it
can be used as classifier with the meaning ‘building’ and as logogram
with the reading qd ‘to build’.

Fig. 7. Mouseover
while browsing
3.2. Searching TSL
Users can resort to the
search engine in order to look for a Sign
or Class with any combination of
features relative to its functions (type, phonetic, and semantic value),
description (plain text, tag, basic form, and type), and codes. Furthermore,
operators (equals, contains, does not contain) can be used for any feature so
as to specify the search. Accordingly, one can build queries such as: Function
type equals ‘logogram’ and Tag contains ‘foreigner’, or Phonetic
value contains ‘mr’ and Description does not contain ‘canal’,

Fig. 8. Search
with Function type = logogram and Phonetic value = nṯr
The search of Fig. 8 lists all
the Signs (bigger) and Classes (smaller) in TSL that are
attested as logogram with the phonetic value nṯr. The results are sorted
according to Gardiner codes and TSL IDs give access the relevant Sign.
3.3. Visualizing a Sign, its Classes
and Tokens
Fig. 9 illustrates how
information is structured in TSL for individual Signs (here TSL_1_2177 =
Gardiner D33). Four drop-down menus (on top) give access to the Description,
Codes, Bibliography, and Credits for this Sign, while (up to) four tabs (below)
gather information about the Functions, Classes, and Tokens,
as well as how to cite data from TSL.

Fig. 9. Sign TSL_1_2177
Description includes a plain text description
of the iconic features (and referent) of the Sign.
Follow its Category (based on Meeks 2004: XIX–XXII, see Section 3.1), Tags
(coming from a non-hierarchical thesaurus) that describe the Sign (and its components) with keywords
that are intended to helps users finding hieroglyphs easily, and Type
(we distinguish between ‘simple’, ‘compound’, and ‘composite’ signs; see Polis 2018:
328, Fig. 35). If a Sign is
analyzed as a compound or composite hieroglyph, its component(s) are given (in
Fig. 9, TSL_1_5126 is a component of TSL_1_2177).
Codes list the codes
attributed to the Sign in
Gardiner (1957), Hieroglyphica, Jsesh, and Unicode (when
Bibliography cites references that
are relevant for the entire Sign. If references are dealing with specific
aspects (e.g., a Function, a Class, etc.), they are quoted under the
relevant entry.
Credits. See Section 4.
Every Sign is accompanied by three tabs (Functions,
Tokens, Cite as), and a fourth tab (Classes) when several
Classes are available for the Sign.
Functions. The functions are
grouped by type (classifier, logogram, radicogram, phonemogram, interpretant,
phono-repeater; see Polis & Rosmorduc 2015 and Hafemann 2018) and receive a
phonetic and/or semantic value. Fig. 9 shows that three functions are
documented for TSL_1_2177 (as of November 2019): classifier ‘movement by
boat’, logogram for ḫnj ‘to row, to convey by water’, and
phonogram ḫn.

Fig. 10. Tokens
for TSL_1_2177 as logogram
Every function is illustrated by at
least one token, i.e., an actual example, for which a context of use is
provided (with an hieroglyphic transcription, a transliteration, and a
translation) as well as an image for the registered users (see Section 3.4). For
more information about a token, registered users can access the Source by clicking on ‘view source’
(see Section 3.5).
Classes. If a Sign has more than one Class, they can be visualized in the dedicated
tab ‘Classes’. A Class is
illustrated by a prototypical hieroglyphic sign (vector graphics) and is described
exactly like the main Sign (which
is actually Class 00, see above),
with codes and literature (if relevant).

Fig. 11. Classes
for TSL_1_2177
Tokens. The Tokens of a Sign can be visualized in the tab Tokens. The number in
the lower-right corner corresponds to the Class
to which this Token belongs to
(see Fig. 12). Lack of number means that the Token belongs to Class
00 (which represents the Sign).

Fig. 12. Tokens
of TSL_1_2177
Details about individual Token can be displayed on click, providing with its Function and value as well as its
context of use (see Fig. 13). For more information about a Token, registered users can access the Source by clicking on ‘view source’
(see Sections 3.4 and 3.5).

Fig. 13. Details
about Token TSL_3_22302 of TSL_1_2177
3.4. Registration and levels of access
There are two levels of
access to TSL (for users who are not collaborators of the project): unregistered
and registered. Registration is free (https://thotsignlist.uliege.be/Account/Register)
and emails are collected exclusively in order to update users about evolutions
of the database and website.
Unregistered users have
access to all the Signs and Functions in TSL, but cannot:
Visualize the Classes: they are redirected to the
main Sign when clicking on a Class.
Visualize the Tokens: standardized vector graphics is
displayed instead.
Visualize the Sources from which the Tokens are extracted.
3.5. Visualizing a Source
users may access the Sources that
are validated (after an internal reviewing process). A Source is a section of a hieroglyphic (cursive hieroglyphic or
hieratic) inscription; its length is not fixed in advance, its purpose being to
visualize a token in context so as to assess its function and value. As such,
it corresponds at least to a word, and more often to a phrase or (usually) a predication.

Fig. 14. Source
ID 1978
As illustrated by
Fig. 14, a Source consists of (at least) one image (picture, facsimile, etc.),
accompanied by its standardized hieroglyphic transcription, transliteration and
English translation. It is documented with metadata coming from the Thesauri
and Ontology for Documenting Ancient Egyptian Resources (https://thot.philo.ulg.ac.be/). Metadata values are
hyperlinked to the hierarchical thesaurus of Thot (see Fig. 15 for the
concept ‘Hatshepsut Maatkare’ in Thot).

Fig. 15. Concept
thot-371 (Hatshepsut Maatkare) in the thesaurus ‘Dates and dating
3.6. Technicalities
The hieroglyphs in TSL are
displayed with the JSesh (https://jsesh.qenherkhopeshef.org/) wrapper developed by Dmitry
Nikolaev (https://github.com/macleginn/jsesh-web) and the Sources are described with the Thot metadata
(http://thot.philo.ulg.ac.be/concept/) using APIs developed
by Vincent Razanajao. The TSL database and front-end have been
implemented by Luc Desert (CIPL / ULiège).
Gardiner, Alan.
1957. Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs,
3rd ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hafemann, Ingelore
2018. “Die beschreibende und kommentierte hieroglyphische Zeichenliste als
offenes System”. In Gülden, Svenja A., Kyra van der Moezel & Ursula
Verhoeven (eds), Ägyptologische “Binsen”-Weisheiten III: Formen und Funktionen
von Zeichenliste und Paläographie. Akten der internationalen und
interdisziplinären Tagung in der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur,
Mainz, im April 2016, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, pp. 19–49.
Hieroglyphica =
Grimal, Nicolas, Jochen Hallof & Dirk van der Plas. 2000. Hieroglyphica:
Sign list, liste des signes, Zeichenliste, 2. ed., rev. and enlarged
(Publications interuniversitaires de recherches égyptologiques informatisées
1). Utrecht:
Centre for Computer-aided Egyptological Research.
JSesh =
Rosmorduc, Serge. 2014.
JSesh Documentation, available at: http://jseshdoc.qenherkhopeshef.org (accessed
Meeks, Dimitri.
2004. Les architraves du temple d’Esna : paléographie (Paléographie
hiéroglyphique 1). Cairo: Institut français d’archéologie orientale.
Polis, Stéphane.
2018. “The functions and toposyntax of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs: Exploring
the iconicity and spatiality of pictorial graphemes”, Signata: Annales des
sémiotiques / Annals of Semiotics 9, pp. 291–363.
Polis, Stéphane &
Serge Rosmorduc. 2015. “The hieroglyphic sign functions: Suggestions for a
revised taxonomy”, in Amstutz, H., A. Dorn, M. Müller, M. Ronsdorf, and S.
Uljas (eds), Fuzzy boundaries: Festschrift für Antonio Loprieno,
vol. 1, Hamburg: Widmaier, pp. 149–174.
4. Credits, citation, and collaborators
In TSL, credits are
mentioned at three levels: Signs,
Functions, and Sources. For each level, we identify
the ‘creator’, namely the person who created a Sign, Function
or Source in TSL, and the ‘editor(s)’,
i.e., the scholars who modified the content of the said entry at some point.
information about an entire Sign
is quoted, please follow the pattern below:
Model. Sign TSL_1_ID
<http://thotsignlist.org/mysign?id=ID>, in Thot Sign List, edited
by Université de Liège and Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Example. Sign
TSL_1_82 <http://thotsignlist.org/mysign?id=82>, in: Thot Sign List
<http://thotsignlist.org>, edited by Université de Liège and
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
information about the creator and editor(s) of signs may be quoted:
Example. Sign
TSL_1_82 <http://thotsignlist.org/mysign?id=82> (created by L. Seelau and
edited by J. Grotenhuis, I. Hafemann, L. Seelau, A. Weber,
M. Bader, T. Kunze, D.A. Werning), in: Thot Sign List
<http://thotsignlist.org>, edited by Université de Liège and
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
referring to a specific Function
, the following citation system should be followed:
Model. Function
FunctionName with value ‘values’ of Sign TSL_1_82
<http://thotsignlist.org/mysign?id=82>, in: Thot Sign List
<http://thotsignlist.org>, edited by Université de Liège and
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Example. Function
Logogram with value ‘z(j) – man’ of Sign TSL_1_82
<http://thotsignlist.org/mysign?id=82>, in: Thot Sign List
<http://thotsignlist.org>, edited by Université de Liège and
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
information about the creator and editor(s) of individual Functions may be quoted:
Example. Function
Logogram with value ‘z(j) – man’ (created by TSL and
edited by I. Hafemann, J. Grotenhuis, and D. Werning) of Sign
TSL_1_82 <http://thotsignlist.org/mysign?id=82>, in: Thot Sign List
<http://thotsignlist.org>, edited by Université de Liège and
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
referring to Source
, the following citation system should be followed:
Model. Source
SourceID <http://thotsignlist.org/mysource?id=SourceID>, in: Thot
Sign List <http://thotsignlist.org>, edited by Université de Liège
and Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Example. Source
375 <http://thotsignlist.org/mysource?id=375>, in: Thot Sign List
<http://thotsignlist.org>, edited by Université de Liège and
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
information about the creator and editor(s) of individual Sources may be quoted:
Source 375 <http://thotsignlist.org/mysource?id=375> (created by
I. Hafemann and edited by I. Hafemann and J. Grotenhuis), in: Thot
Sign List <http://thotsignlist.org>, edited by Université de Liège
and Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
is a full list of the persons who contributed to TSL so far:
Editor, Encoder
Editor, Encoder
Editor, Encoder
/ ULiège
Designer, Editor
Tonio Sebastian
Simon D.
Daniel A.
Designer, Editor
BBAW = Berlin-Brandenburgische
Akademie der Wissenschaften
CNAM = Conservatoire National des Arts et
Métiers (Paris)
FNRS = Fonds National de la Recherche
Scientific (Belgium)
HUBerlin = Humboldt-Universität zu
SAWL = Sächsische Akademie der
Wissenschaft zu Leipzig
UBM = Universtité Bordeaux Montaigne
ULiège = Université de Liège
5. Scholars who collaborated actively to the TSL
Peter Dils (Sächsische
Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig)
Åke Engsheden (Stockholm University)
Jorke Grotenhuis
(University of California, Berkeley)
Stéphane Polis
(F.R.S.-FNRS / University of Liège)
Philipp Seyr
(F.R.S.-FNRS / University of Liège)
Daniel Werning
(Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities)
Zacharie Cochin (ULiège)
Peter Dils (Sächsische
Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig)
Åke Engsheden (Stockholm University)
Jorke Grotenhuis
(The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Stéphane Polis
(F.R.S.-FNRS / University of Liège)
Philipp Seyr
(F.R.S.-FNRS / University of Liège)
Daniel Werning
(Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities)