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sꜣ.t-nswt n.t ẖ.t=f tjs.t ḥr ḫt ḥr mr-s(y)-ꜥnḫ
The daughter of the king, of his body, the companion of Horus, the follower of Horus, Mersyankh.
4th Dynasty

mḏḥ sš nswt mḏḥ mḥ.yt ḥm-nṯr sšꜣ.t ẖnt.t pr-mḏꜣ.t jry-ḫ.t-nswt ḥm bꜣ.w p ḥm-nṯr ḥr mḥ.t(y) ḥm-nṯr jnpw ꜥḏ-mr wḥꜥ
The architect of the king, the fasioner of Mehyt, the priest of Seshat, formost of the archives of the keeper of the property of the king, the servant of the souls of Pe, the priest of the northern Horus, the priest of Anubis, the administrator of the fishers,

wꜥb.n wnjs m jr.t ḥr ḏr sḏb=f m ḏr.ty wsjr
Unas has been purified through the eye of Horus, his obstruction is removed through the two kites of Osiris

ḏd-mdw ḏ.t jr p.t spꜣ ḥr jr tꜣ
Recitation: The cobra to the sky, the centipede of Horus to the land

jšš pr m r' ḥr.w jsd pr m r' stš
[...] the spittle that came from Horus's mouth, the saliva that came from Seth's mouth [...]
Pepi I Merire

nḏ.n ṯw ḥr n ḏd.n j.nḏ=f ṯw
Horus has protected you, that which he protect does not endure you.
Pepi I Merire

ḏd-mdw dj n=k ḥr.w nṯr.w sjꜥ.n=f n=k sn m ꜥr.w
Recitation: Horus has given you the gods; he elevated them for you as reeds.
Pepi II Neferkare

jr.n sḏm-ꜥš m s.t-mꜣꜥ.t ḥri-nfr mꜣꜥ-ḫrw sꜣ=f ḥnw.t-mtr
Made by the servant in the Place-of-Truth, Horinefer, justied, his daughter, Henoutmeter.
Ramesside Period

jw jr.n=(j) ꜥḥꜥ.w m rnp.wt m rk ḥr(.w) 〈nḫt-〉nb-tp-nfr ḥr sjbꜣ jb=f r'-nb m mrr.t nb.t kꜣ=f
I spent a period of years in the era of the Horus-King 〈Nakht-〉neb-tep-nefer, making his heart beat (lit. "stride") every day with all that is loved of his ka.
Intef III Nakhtnebtepnefer

dj.n(=j) n=k tꜣ.wy ḫꜥ.t m ḥr jṯ.t wrr.t
I have given the kingship of the two land, the appearing as Horus and the taking of the great crown to you,
Senwosret I Kheperkare

jꜣ.w n nb ꜣbḏw mi ḥꜥꜥ ꜣs.t hrw ḫꜥꜥ ḥr.w ḥr ṯꜣntꜣy.t ẖnm.n=f sḫ m ꜥnḫ wꜣs
Praise for the lord of Abydos, as Isis rejoices the day Horus appears on the throne after he united the double crown with life and domininon
Tutankhamun Nebkheperure

rꜥw-ḥr.w-ꜣḫ.tj nṯr-ꜥꜣ nb-ḥw.t-ꜥꜣ.t
Re-Horakhti, great god, lord of the great mansion
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

ḫprj ḥry-jb wjꜣ=f nfr-tm-ḥr-ḥkn(.w)
Khepri, residing in his barque, and Nefertem-Hor-Hekenu
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

(q)mꜣ.n rꜥ-ḥr-kꜣ-nḫ.t mry mꜣꜥ.t nb tꜣ.wy wsr-mꜣꜥt-rꜥ sꜣ rꜥ nb ḫꜥw.w rꜥ-ms-sw-mry-jmn dj ꜥnḫ
begotten by Rahorkanakht, beloved of Maat, the lord of the Two Lands, Ousermaatra, son of Ra, the lord of apparitions, Ramses-Meryamun, may he live.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

ḥtp-dj-nsw.t rꜥ-ḥr-ꜣḫ.ty
Royal offering for Rahorakhty,
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

n kꜣ n sḏm-(ꜥš) m s.t-(mꜣꜥ.t) pn-nḫt mꜣꜥ-ḫrw sꜣ=f ḥr-nfr mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
for the ka of the servant in the Place-of-Truth, Pennakht, his son, Hornefer, justified.
20th Dynasty

ḏd-mdw (j)n ḥr bḥd.t nṯr ꜥꜣ nb p.t ꜥpy wr
Recitation by Horus of Edfu, the great god, the lord of the sky, the great winged scarab
Ptolemy IV Philopator

ḥr bḥd.t nṯr ꜥꜣ nb p.t sꜣb šw.t pr m ꜣḫ.t
Horus of Edfu, the great god, the lord of the sky, the multi-coloured of feathers who goes forth from the horizon.
Ptolemy V Epiphanes

ḥw.t-nṯr n.t ḥr-ꜣḫ.ty prj=f m ꜣḫ.t m ꜥpy nṯr.y
.. temple of Horachte, while he goes forth from the horizon as the divine winged sundisk
Ptolemy VII Neos Philopator

ḏd-mdw (j)n ḥr bḥd.t nṯr-ꜥꜣ nb p.t ḫprr šps
Recitation by Horus of Edfu, the great god, the lord of the sky, the noble scarab,
Ptolemy XI Alexander II

ḥr bḥd.t nṯr ꜥꜣ nb p.t [..] sꜣ rꜥ ḫy pr jm=f
Horus of Edfu, the great god, the lord of the sky, [..] the son of Re, who rose and went forth from him.
Ptolemy XI Alexander II

bꜣ n ḫprj ḥr ꜥnḫ ḥry srḫ
The ba of Khepri, the living Horus who is upon the palace facade,
Cleopatra VII Philopator

ḏd jn wsjr ḫnt.y jmn.tyw nb ꜣbḏw sꜣ n wr tp n gbb wpj ḫ.wt nfr ḥr dj ꜥnḫ ḏd wꜣs nb snb nb ꜣw-jb nb n djw-ḥr nḥḥ ḏ.t jry
Spoken by Osiris, the formost of the westerners, the lord of Abidos, the firstborn son of Geb, who judges the cases, beautiful of face, who gives all life, stability and dominion, all health and all joy to Teüris, all eternity and forever.