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sꜣ.t-nswt n.t ẖ.t=f tjs.t ḥr ḫt ḥr mr-s(y)-ꜥnḫ
The daughter of the king, of his body, the companion of Horus, the follower of Horus, Mersyankh.
4th Dynasty
n srḫ.w ꜥnḫ jr wnjs n srḫ.w m(w)t jr wnjs
the living one will not accuse against Unas, the dead one will not accuse against Unas.
mw.t=f tf jꜥr.t ꜥnḫ.t tp.t rꜥ
this, his mother, the living uraeus snake which is upon Re,
Pepi I Merire
ꜥnḫ.t(j) m ꜥnḫ ḏd.t(j) m ḏd n ḏ.t ḏ.t
alive as the ankh-beetle, stable as a djed-column for the body of eternity.
Pepi I Merire
j ꜥnḫ.w n.tyw wny mrr.y ꜥnḫ msḏḏ ḫp.t swꜣ.t(j)=sn ḥr jz pn
Oh living ones who love life and hate passing away, who will pass by this tomb,
11th Dynasty (before reunification)
jr n rḥ.w-ꜥnḫ ḥm.t=f
which was performed by Rehouankh, his wife
Middle Kingdom
jnk jꜥr.t ꜥnḫ.t
I am the living uraeus snake,
Mentuhotep II Nebhepetre (complete reign)
ḏd-mdw jn jmn nsw.t-nṯr.w dj.n(=j) ꜥnḫ wꜣs nb
Recitation by Amun, king of the gods: 'I grant you all life and power'
Senwosret I Kheperkare
ẖnm.w sḫm.t(y) nṯr nfr sn-wsr.t ꜥnḫ ḏ.t
who unites the double crown of the good god, Senwosret, living eternally.
Senwosret I Kheperkare
bḥd.t(y) nb p.t dj=f ꜥnḫ ḏd wꜣs
He of Behedet, the lord of the sky, may he give live, stability and dominion.
Senwosret I Kheperkare
j jtmw rꜥ jmj n=j ṯꜣw nḏm jmy šr.t=k ꜥnḫ=k jm=f wsr=j jm=f
O Atoum-Re, give the sweet wind which is in your nostril to me, so that I may live in it, and that I may be powerful in it.
13th Dynasty
sbk šd.ty ms.t ꜥnḫ.t nḫ.t
Sobek the Shedtite, who is born living and strong
13th Dynasty
smn.t jn ḥm=f ꜥnḫ wḏꜣ snb ḥr wrr.t=f m-bꜣḥ jt=f rꜥ-ḥr-ꜣḫ.ty-ḥꜥ.y-m-ꜣḫ.t
remaining by his majesty, life, prosperity, health, upon his chariot, in front of his father Rehorachte, who rejoices in the horizon
Amenhotep IV / Akhenaten Neferkheperure
ꜥnḫ sꜣ ḏd wꜣs nb.(t) ḥꜣ=st mj rꜥ
Life, protection, stability and power behind her like Ra.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre
wbn=k ẖr snb ꜥnḫ n sꜣ=k
You rise bringing health and life to your son.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre
(q)mꜣ.n rꜥ-ḥr-kꜣ-nḫ.t mry mꜣꜥ.t nb tꜣ.wy wsr-mꜣꜥt-rꜥ sꜣ rꜥ nb ḫꜥw.w rꜥ-ms-sw-mry-jmn dj ꜥnḫ
begotten by Rahorkanakht, beloved of Maat, the lord of the Two Lands, Ousermaatra, son of Ra, the lord of apparitions, Ramses-Meryamun, may he live.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre
mḥy.t pr m tf(n).t ꜥnḫ pr m rꜥ jd.t pr m ꜣs.t
the north wind goes forth from Tefnut, life goes forth from Re, the pleasant smell goes forth from Isis,
Graeco-Roman Period
nb ꜥnḫ srq ḥty.t mw.t=f ꜣs.t ḥr wd
the lord of life, who causes the throat of his mother Isis to breathe upon putting (the protection upon him)
Ptolemy IV Philopator
srq ḥty.t=sn m ꜥnḫ
causing their throaths to breathe with life
Ptolemy IV Philopator
nb ꜥnḫ prj m ꜣḫ.t sḥḏ tꜣ.wy nb m nfr.w=f
the lord of life, who goes forth from the horizon, who illuminates the entire two lands with his beauty.
Ptolemy X Alexander I
wḏb.w šn.y qr.ty ḏd kꜣ jmn sꜣ ꜥnḫ wꜣs ḥꜣ=f nb
The riverbanks which encircle the two caverns of the Nile, enduring of hidden Ka, is the protection of life, dominion and everything behind him.
Ptolemy XIII
bꜣ.w ꜥnḫ.w m tꜣ n jtm.w
The living Ba's in the land of Atoum
Ptolemy XIII
wnn nbj ḥḥ nṯr ḫnt ḥw.t-smꜣ-tꜣ.wy nḥb-kꜣ.w grg tꜣ pn ḥr qmꜣ ḥḥ.w ḥr sḫpr ḥfnw.w ḥr rdj(.t) ꜥnḫ n ꜥnḫ.w
The one who fasioned Heh, the god in front of the mansion of uniting the two lands, Nehebkau who establishes this land, is creating millions, creating hundreds of thousands, giving life to the living.
Cleopatra VII Philopator
dj ṯꜣw n ꜥnḫ r fnḏ nb.ty wr.t pḥ.ty sḥꜥꜥ tꜣ pn sḫntš jdb.w m ꜣḫ.w=f
who gives the breath of life to the nose of the two ladies, great of strenght, who causes this land to be glad, who causes the riverbanks to rejoice in his power
Cleopatra VII Philopator
bꜣ n ḫprj ḥr ꜥnḫ ḥry srḫ
The ba of Khepri, the living Horus who is upon the palace facade,
Cleopatra VII Philopator
sꜣ ꜥnḫ wꜣs nb ḥꜣ=f mj rꜥ ḏ.t šny qr.ty ḏd kꜣ jmn wḏb.w
the protection of all life and dominion is behind him like Re, eternally, which encircles the twin caverns of the nile, enduring of the hidden kA and the riverbanks
Cleopatra VII Philopator
šw sꜣ rꜥ nb ꜥnḫ sḫm m pꜣ srq.t
Shu, the son of Ra, lord of life, powerful as the scorpion
Cleopatra VII Philopator
ḏd-mdw nꜥ.y=j m qr.ty r sꜥnḫ tꜣ.wy
Recitation: I travel from the two caverns, in order to nourish the two lands.
Cleopatra VII Philopator
ꜥnḫ=k n mꜣꜣ s(y) nn ḥr=s r=k km ḏ.t ḥtp ḥm=k
May you live because of seeing her, she will not be far away from you, completing eternity, while your majesty rests.
Cleopatra VII Philopator
ḏd jn wsjr ḫnt.y jmn.tyw nb ꜣbḏw sꜣ n wr tp n gbb wpj ḫ.wt nfr ḥr dj ꜥnḫ ḏd wꜣs nb snb nb ꜣw-jb nb n djw-ḥr nḥḥ ḏ.t jry
Spoken by Osiris, the formost of the westerners, the lord of Abidos, the firstborn son of Geb, who judges the cases, beautiful of face, who gives all life, stability and dominion, all health and all joy to Teüris, all eternity and forever.