Description: Man, seated, with one hand to the mouth, and the other arm stretched beside the body.
Category: Men and their occupations [Gardiner A]
Basic Form: full quadrat
Tag: holding nothingmanseatedwith hand to mouth
Type: simple

Borghouts, J. F. (2010), Egyptian: an introduction to the writing and language of the Middle Kingdom, 2 vols. Egyptologische Uitgaven 24, page 12, note 1
Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 442
Gardiner  A2
Hieroglyphica  A2
Jsesh  A2
Unicode  U+13001 𓀁
Cite as

Please cite as: Sign TSL_1_290 <http://thotsignlist.org/mysign?id=290>, in: Thot Sign List <http://thotsignlist.org>,
edited by Université de Liège and Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Creator: I. Hafemann
Editor(s): J. Grotenhuis, L. Seelau, A. Weber
classifier (3 function(s))
Phonetic value Semantic value Use
eating, drinking, hunger, thirst regular


ḏ=(j) t' n ḥqr ḥbs.w n ḥꜣ.y
I gave bread to the hungry and clothes to the naked.
1st Intermediate Period

[...] t' wꜥb n(.j) pr mnṯ.w dbḥ.t-ḥtp m pr wsjr mrr.t ꜣḫ.w wn(m) jm n (j)m(.j)-r(')-sbꜣ.w mꜣꜥ.t(j) ḏd
[...] pure bread from the estate of Montu, a funerary meal from the estate of Osiris, in which the blessed spirits wish to eat, for the doorkeeper Maat(i), who says:
Intef III Nakhtnebtepnefer

swrj=f mw ḥr b(ꜣ)b(ꜣ).t
He shall drink water from the fresh water place
18th Dynasty
Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 442
Creator: L. Seelau
Editor(s): J. Grotenhuis
speech, silence regular


jr.n sḏm-ꜥš m s.t-mꜣꜥ.t ḥri-nfr mꜣꜥ-ḫrw sꜣ=f ḥnw.t-mtr
Made by the servant in the Place-of-Truth, Horinefer, justied, his daughter, Henoutmeter.
Ramesside Period

ḥm.t=f mr.t=f n.t s.t-jb=f ḥm.t ms.t.n jy mꜣꜥ-ḫrw nb.t jmꜣḫ
His wife, whom he loves, of the seat of his heart, Hemet, who Iy has brought forth, true of voice, possesor of reverence.
12th Dynasty

jnk mdw r r'-' sr.w šw.y m ḏd pꜣ.w
I am one who spoke according to the art of the officials, one free of saying "pA"s.
Senwosret I Kheperkare

pḥ.w pḥ.t(w)=f gr.w gr.t(w)
who attacks when he is attacked; who is silent when one is silent
Senwosret III Khakaure

jn sḏm-ꜥš m s.t-mꜣꜥ.t ḥr jmnt.t wꜣs.t pꜣ-rn-nfr mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
By the servant in the Place-of-Truth, at the east of Thebes, Parennefer, justified.
19th Dynasty

sꜣ=f sꜥnḫ rn=f nfr-ꜥꜣb.t mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
his son who keeps his name alive, Neferabu, justified.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

n kꜣ n sḏm-(ꜥš) m s.t-(mꜣꜥ.t) pn-nḫt mꜣꜥ-ḫrw sꜣ=f ḥr-nfr mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
for the ka of the servant in the Place-of-Truth, Pennakht, his son, Hornefer, justified.
20th Dynasty
Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 442
Creator: L. Seelau
Editor(s): L. Seelau, J. Grotenhuis
thoughts and feelings regular


jw rḏ.n(=j) ḥtr.wy n dbḥ ḥtr(.wy)
I gave a span to the one who asked for a span.
11th Dynasty

m mrr=ṯn ḥs=ṯn nṯr.w=ṯn njw.tyw mn=ṯn ḥr ns.wt=ṯn
as you love and praise your city gods, you endure upon your thrones,
Middle Kingdom

pḥ.w pḥ.t(w)=f gr.w gr.t(w)
who attacks when he is attacked; who is silent when one is silent
Senwosret III Khakaure

nn kꜣ.n⸗j kꜣ.wt nn m jrr=f
I have not thought up any work without it being in his action
Hatshepsut Maatkare

dj=s qrs.t nfr.t m (nḫ.t) jꜣw smꜣ-tꜣ m s(my).t hsy.w
that she may give a beautiful funeral after an old age, a burial in the necropolis of the favorites
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

ꜣb=f s.t=f m rk ḫpr-kꜣ-rꜥ
(as) he was longing for his throne in the time of Kheperkare
Nectanebis (I) Kheperkare

sbk n pꜣ jꜣ.t nṯr ꜥꜣ jy n ꜥš n=f sḏm nḥ.wt
Sobek of the mound, the great god, who comes to the one that calls for him, who hears the prayers
Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II
Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 442
Creator: TSL
Editor(s): L. Seelau, J. Grotenhuis, A. Keengsheden

logogram (1 function(s))
Phonetic value Semantic value Use
j vocatif interjection regular


j kꜣ-ḥr-jmnt.t jn ḏḥwty nsw.t r nḥḥ jm
« O Bull-of-the-West, it is Thot, king eternally, who is here.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre
Creator: H. Lobstein