Description: A man, seated, right knee raised, arms at either side of the body, holding a flute, which goes from the mouth to the left foot.
Category: Men and their occupations [Gardiner A]
Basic Form: full quadrat
Tag: chanting, dancing, playing instrumentholding somethingmanseated
Type: simple

Montet, Pierre (1925), Les scènes de la vie privée dans les tombeaux égyptiens de l'Ancien Empire. Publications de la Faculté des Lettres de l'Université de Strasbourg 24, p. 362-363
Beaux, N. (2009), Étude de quelques hiéroglyphes égyptiens. In Beaux, Nathalie, Bernard Pottier, and Nicolas Grimal (eds), Image et conception du monde dans les écritures figuratives: actes du colloque Collège de France - Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Paris, 24-25 janvier 2008, 288-313, p. 293, fig. 3
Böckler, N.A. (2016), Die Flöte im Alten Ägypten. Antiquitates: Archäologische Forschungsergebnisse 66, passim
Hieroglyphica  A244
Jsesh  A244
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Please cite as: Sign TSL_1_370 <http://thotsignlist.org/mysign?id=370>, in: Thot Sign List <http://thotsignlist.org>,
edited by Université de Liège and Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Creator: I. Hafemann
Editor(s): J. Grotenhuis, L. Seelau, Ph. Seyr
classifier (1 function(s))
Phonetic value Semantic value Use
playing the flute regular


zb(ꜣ) ḥs.t jn ḥs n pr-ḏ.t
Flute playing and singing by the singer of the funerary estate.
Kaiuhor Menkauhor
Creator: Ph. Seyr
Editor(s): Ph. Seyr, J. Grotenhuis

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