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stt=f ḥr šnb.t n(.j) wꜥb jmn ḥm.t=f jnt-ḥꜥpj
may he shine on the breast of the priest Ameny and his wife Inet-Hapy
Tuthmosis I Aakheperkare

jn ꜥq n nb.w tꜣ-wr ḥr.j-ṯꜣ.y-mḏꜣ.t-n-nb-tꜣ.wj ḥꜣ.t-jꜣy pny[...] mꜣꜥ-ḫrw nb-jmꜣḫ
by the one who enters to the lords of Abydos, the chief sculptor of the lord of the both lands Hatiay Peny[...] justified, lord of veneration
Tutankhamun Nebkheperure

jn sš-qd.wt n jmn pꜣy mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
by the draughtsman of Amon, Pay, true of voice.
19th Dynasty

jr (j)n bj.t n jmn ꜥꜣ-nḫt.w-ḫnsw
Performed by the beekeeper of Amon, Aa-nakht-Khonsu
19th Dynasty

jr.n jdnw n tꜣ js.t ꜥꜣ-pḥ.ty mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
Made by the deputy of the crew, Aapehty, justified.
19th Dynasty

ḫrp srq.t n nswt tꜣ.wy jmn-ms
the Scorpion-specialist of the king of the Two-Lands, Amenmose, justified
Sety I Menmaatre

sḏm-ꜥš m s.t-mꜣꜥ.t wnn-nfr
the servant in the Place-of-Truth, Wenennufer, justified.
Sety I Menmaatre

[jr.n] bꜣk jm sbꜣ n nb =f sš nswt m s.t-mꜣꜥ.(t) ḥr jmnt.t-wꜣs.t rꜥ-ms mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
[Made] by this humble servant, the royal scribe in the Place-of-Truth, in the west of Thebes, Ramose, justified, (according to) the instruction of his master.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

jn ḥmw.w wr pn-dwꜣw mꜣꜥ-ḫrw jt ḥmw.w wr dy-dy mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
By the great craftsman Penduau, justified, (his) father the great craftsman Dydy, justified.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

jy-r-njwt-f mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
Iyrnioutef, justified.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

nfr-ꜥꜣbw mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
Neferabu, justified.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

smꜣw jr.n sḏm-ꜥš m s.t-mꜣꜥ.t jry-nfr mꜣꜥ-ḫrw n ḥnw.t=f ḥw.t-ḥr
Renawal made by the servant in the Place-of-Truth, Irynefer, justified, for his Lady, Hathor .
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

rꜣ n hꜣ ḏꜣḏꜣ.t hrw qrs wsjr sḏm-ꜥ(š) m s.t-mꜣꜥ.t nfr-rnp.t mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
A spell for going down to the tribunal, the day of the burial (of) the osiris, the servant in the Place-of-Truth, Neferronpet, justified,
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

sꜣ=f sꜥnḫ rn=f nfr-ꜥꜣb.t mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
his son who keeps his name alive, Neferabu, justified.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

jr.n sḏm-ꜥš m s.t-mꜣꜥ.t wnn-ḫw mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
Made by the servant in the Place-of-Truth, Wenenkhu justified,
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

jt=j mr=f ẖrty-nṯr n jmn m tꜣ kꜣ.t ẖry.t sꜣ-mw.t mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
My father, whom he loves, the stonecutter of Amon in the underground work, Samout, true of voice.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

rḏ.t jꜣw n rꜥw m ꜣḫ.t=f jn jm.j-r'-jp.t-nzw pꜣy mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
giving praise to Re in his horizon by the overseer of the royal harim Pay, justified
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

jr.n bꜣk jm šs m s.t-mꜣꜥ.(t) rꜥms
Made by this humble servant, the scribe in the Place-of-Truth, Ramose.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre