Description: Man, kneeling, with a short beard, holding a flagellum or flail in both hands.
Category: Men and their occupations [Gardiner A]
Basic Form: full quadrat
Tag: beardflagellumflailholding somethingkneelingmanwhip
Type: composite
Note that the man is considered to be of rank.
Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 447
Gardiner  A52
Hieroglyphica  A52
Jsesh  A52
Unicode  U+1303D 𓀽
Cite as

Please cite as: Sign TSL_1_821 <http://thotsignlist.org/mysign?id=821>, in: Thot Sign List <http://thotsignlist.org>,
edited by Université de Liège and Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Creator: I. Hafemann
Editor(s): J. Grotenhuis, L. Seelau, S.D. Schweitzer, M. Bader
classifier (3 function(s))
Phonetic value Semantic value Use
name (deceased) regular


stt=f ḥr šnb.t n(.j) wꜥb jmn ḥm.t=f jnt-ḥꜥpj
may he shine on the breast of the priest Ameny and his wife Inet-Hapy
Tuthmosis I Aakheperkare

jn ꜥq n nb.w tꜣ-wr ḥr.j-ṯꜣ.y-mḏꜣ.t-n-nb-tꜣ.wj ḥꜣ.t-jꜣy pny[...] mꜣꜥ-ḫrw nb-jmꜣḫ
by the one who enters to the lords of Abydos, the chief sculptor of the lord of the both lands Hatiay Peny[...] justified, lord of veneration
Tutankhamun Nebkheperure

jn sš-qd.wt n jmn pꜣy mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
by the draughtsman of Amon, Pay, true of voice.
19th Dynasty

jr (j)n bj.t n jmn ꜥꜣ-nḫt.w-ḫnsw
Performed by the beekeeper of Amon, Aa-nakht-Khonsu
19th Dynasty

jr.n jdnw n tꜣ js.t ꜥꜣ-pḥ.ty mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
Made by the deputy of the crew, Aapehty, justified.
19th Dynasty

ḫrp srq.t n nswt tꜣ.wy jmn-ms
the Scorpion-specialist of the king of the Two-Lands, Amenmose, justified
Sety I Menmaatre

sḏm-ꜥš m s.t-mꜣꜥ.t wnn-nfr
the servant in the Place-of-Truth, Wenennufer, justified.
Sety I Menmaatre

[jr.n] bꜣk jm sbꜣ n nb =f sš nswt m s.t-mꜣꜥ.(t) ḥr jmnt.t-wꜣs.t rꜥ-ms mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
[Made] by this humble servant, the royal scribe in the Place-of-Truth, in the west of Thebes, Ramose, justified, (according to) the instruction of his master.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

jn ḥmw.w wr pn-dwꜣw mꜣꜥ-ḫrw jt ḥmw.w wr dy-dy mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
By the great craftsman Penduau, justified, (his) father the great craftsman Dydy, justified.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

jy-r-njwt-f mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
Iyrnioutef, justified.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

nfr-ꜥꜣbw mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
Neferabu, justified.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

smꜣw jr.n sḏm-ꜥš m s.t-mꜣꜥ.t jry-nfr mꜣꜥ-ḫrw n ḥnw.t=f ḥw.t-ḥr
Renawal made by the servant in the Place-of-Truth, Irynefer, justified, for his Lady, Hathor .
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

rꜣ n hꜣ ḏꜣḏꜣ.t hrw qrs wsjr sḏm-ꜥ(š) m s.t-mꜣꜥ.t nfr-rnp.t mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
A spell for going down to the tribunal, the day of the burial (of) the osiris, the servant in the Place-of-Truth, Neferronpet, justified,
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

sꜣ=f sꜥnḫ rn=f nfr-ꜥꜣb.t mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
his son who keeps his name alive, Neferabu, justified.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

jr.n sḏm-ꜥš m s.t-mꜣꜥ.t wnn-ḫw mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
Made by the servant in the Place-of-Truth, Wenenkhu justified,
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

jt=j mr=f ẖrty-nṯr n jmn m tꜣ kꜣ.t ẖry.t sꜣ-mw.t mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
My father, whom he loves, the stonecutter of Amon in the underground work, Samout, true of voice.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

rḏ.t jꜣw n rꜥw m ꜣḫ.t=f jn jm.j-r'-jp.t-nzw pꜣy mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
giving praise to Re in his horizon by the overseer of the royal harim Pay, justified
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

jr.n bꜣk jm šs m s.t-mꜣꜥ.(t) rꜥms
Made by this humble servant, the scribe in the Place-of-Truth, Ramose.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre
Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 447
Creator: TSL
Editor(s): M. Bader, J. Grotenhuis
noble regular


jnk wr ḥr-tp wr.w šps n nswt mrr.w=f
I am a great one upon the great ones, a noble one of the king, whom he loves.
Tuthmosis III Menkheperre (complete reign)
Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 447
Creator: TSL
revered person regular


mḏꜣ.t pw n.t sjqr ꜣḫ ḥr jb n rꜥ
It is a book of distinguishing an Akh upon the heart of Re,
19th Dynasty
Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 447
Creator: J. Grotenhuis

logogram (1 function(s))
Phonetic value Semantic value Use
j first person singular regular


ḏd.n pꜣ ḥsj.w n wsjr ꜥꜣ n js.wt m s.t-mꜣꜥ.t jn-ḥr-ḫꜥ.wy mꜣꜥ-ḫrw ḏd=j
The musician spoke to the Osiris, the foreman of the crew in the place of truth (Deir el-Medina), Inherkhaouy, true of voice. I say:
Ramesses III Usermaatre-Meriamun
Creator: J. Grotenhuis

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