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wr mḏ-šmꜥ hkꜣ mḥ(.y)t ḥm-nṯr ḥq.t ḫt ḥꜣ zꜣ-nswt
the great one of the ten of Upper Egypt, the heka-priest of Mehyt, the priest of Heqet, the xt-priest of Ha, the son of the king,
jn mnḫ di wmt sṯꜣ.wt=k
It is the chisel which makes your holes wide.
Kaiuhor Menkauhor
zwꜣ=k sbq(=j)
You will break my shin!
Kaiuhor Menkauhor
j jt m n=k šs pn
O, father, what is this rope to you?
Asosi Djedkare
šms ḫꜣ-bꜣ=s qbḥ.wt=k mr.t=k
the starry sky follows your qbH.wt, whom you love,
Pepi I Merire
rḏ.y n=k jr.ty=k m jꜥr.ty=k
Your eyes are given to you as your two uraeus snakes
Pepi I Merire
nhz j jm.j.w knz.t tp-ꜥ.wy sdꜣ wr [...]
Wake up, oh those who are in Kenzet, those who are before the great egret [...]
Nemtiemsaf I Merenre I
ḏd-mdw dj n=k ḥr.w nṯr.w sjꜥ.n=f n=k sn m ꜥr.w
Recitation: Horus has given you the gods; he elevated them for you as reeds.
Pepi II Neferkare
[...] t' wꜥb n(.j) pr mnṯ.w dbḥ.t-ḥtp m pr wsjr mrr.t ꜣḫ.w wn(m) jm n (j)m(.j)-r(')-sbꜣ.w mꜣꜥ.t(j) ḏd
[...] pure bread from the estate of Montu, a funerary meal from the estate of Osiris, in which the blessed spirits wish to eat, for the doorkeeper Maat(i), who says:
Intef III Nakhtnebtepnefer
jnk jꜥr.t ꜥnḫ.t
I am the living uraeus snake,
Mentuhotep II Nebhepetre (complete reign)
smꜣ.n(=j) n=k tꜣ.wj mj wḏ.t.n bꜣ.w [...] ꜣw.t-jb nb
For you I united the two lands like that which the powers commanded [...] all joy.
Mentuhotep II Nebhepetre (complete reign)
pꜣw(.t) r jt.w=k nb n-ꜥꜣ-[mr.wt]
Provisions more than all your fathers inasmuch as [...]
Mentuhotep II Nebhepetre (complete reign)
jnk gr n ḏnd šbn n ḫm n mr.t ḫsf ꜣd
I am the one who is silent for the angry, who mingles with the ignorant for one who loves to repel anger.
12th Dynasty
ḏd-mdw dj.n(=j) n=k ꜣw.t-jb nb ḏd-mdw dj.n(=j) n=k snb nb ḫr(=j)
Recitiation: I have given all joy to you. Recitation: I have given all health through me.
Senwosret II Khakheperre
sbk-wr ḫwj-wj-sbk
Sobekwer, Chuwisobek.
Amenemhat III Nimaatre
šꜣ=k rnp.wt mj wḥm-ꜥnḫ
while you command the years as the frog
18th Dynasty
bꜣ.w pw n sbjk msḥ.w jw bꜣ n nṯr nb m ḥfꜣ.w jw bꜣ n ꜥꜣpp m bꜣẖ.w
The souls of Sobek are crocodiles, while the soul of every god is as snakes, while the soul of Apophis is the white of the eye
Sety I Menmaatre
ḥtr=k r grg km.t
you are appointed to maintain Egypt to in good order
Sety I Menmaatre
ḏd=f jnḏ-ḥr=k wbn m nwn sḥḏ tꜣ.w m-ḫ.t pr=f
He said : « Hail to you who rises in the Nun, who illumines the world when he comes forth.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre
jnk nṯr ꜥꜣ r-gs dp.t=j
I am the great god beside my boat.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre
jn sḏm-ꜥš m s.t-mꜣꜥ.t nṯr-ẖrty n ḏḥwty nb [ḫmnw] m njw.t rsy.t ḏḥwty-ḥr-mktf mꜣꜥ [ḫrw]
By the servant in the Place-of-Truth, quarrier of Thot, lord of (Hermopolis) in the southern city Djehutyhermaktef, justi(fied).
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre
ḫprj ḥry-jb wjꜣ=f nfr-tm-ḥr-ḥkn(.w)
Khepri, residing in his barque, and Nefertem-Hor-Hekenu
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre
jr.n bꜣk jm šs m s.t-mꜣꜥ.(t) rꜥms
Made by this humble servant, the scribe in the Place-of-Truth, Ramose.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre
wbn=k ẖr snb ꜥnḫ n sꜣ=k
You rise bringing health and life to your son.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre
wbn=k ẖr snb ꜥnḫ n sꜣ=k
You rise bringing health and life to your son.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre
jt nṯr n jmn smꜣ n mnw jmy-ḫnt n fꜣj ꜥ ḥm-nṯr n wꜣḏ.ty ḥsk.w n wnn-nfr
The god's father of Amon, the Stolist of Min, the chamberlain of the one who lifts the arm, the priest of the two Uraeus snakes, the Hesek priest of Wenennofer,
Ramesses IV Usermaatre-Setepenamun
ḏd=f jyj pw jr.n wr ꜥꜣ n nb n ḫꜣs.t nb(.t) kmbjṯt r km.t
He says: the king of the lord of every foreign land, Cambyses, came to Egypt
Cambyses Mestiure
pḥ.ty [n] rꜥ nḫ.t n šw šf snḏ n pẖr=k dj.n=k dmj r ḥꜥ.w=k
the powerful one of Re, the strong one of Shu, respected of fear for that which you traverse, after you gave that which is attached to your limbs.
Ptolemaic Period
sꜥr.n=j (j)r=f wr-ḥkꜣw r ḥr=k wp=j r=k sp fd.w
I have caused that the one great of magic ascends to your face, while I open your mouth four times.
Ptolemy VI Philometor
mn n=k msḏm.t m jr.t ḥr bnr sp-sn.y
Take the black eye paint as the really sweet eye of Horus
Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II
bdš=k sbj.w m ꜣ.t=k
you made the enemies weak in your moment of attack.
Ptolemy XI Alexander II
jnj=f n=k ḏfḏ.y wḏꜣ.t [m] sṯy-nṯr ḥr ḏw pꜣy=f n msdm.t
He brings the two pupils of the Udjat eye with the incense upon his mountain of black eye paint
Ptolemy XIII
rn=k r nfr n wp.t ḥr=k m ꜥbnḫ
your name will be good for Wepet, your face is as a frog.
Ptolemy XIII
wnn skr sꜣq m ḏ.t=f ḥqꜣ.t ḥnw wṯs ḥm=f m tꜣ
Sokar is gathered in his body, she who rules the Henu-bark, who lifts his majesty in the land.
Cleopatra VII Philopator
smꜣ mg(ꜣ) ḏd-mdw mg(ꜣ) mds m-bꜣḥ=k sꜣb šw.t ḫꜥ.w=k rwḏ m ḫꜥ.w
Killing the crocodile. Recitation: The crocodile is cut down in front of you, the many coloured of feathers, your harpoon is firm in the crocodile.
Cleopatra VII Philopator
ꜥnḫ=k n mꜣꜣ s(y) nn ḥr=s r=k km ḏ.t ḥtp ḥm=k
May you live because of seeing her, she will not be far away from you, completing eternity, while your majesty rests.
Cleopatra VII Philopator
šp ḫ(n)m.ty=k(y) srq ḥ
which fills your two nostrils with air, causing the throat to breathe
Cleopatra VII Philopator
jn=f n=k jq ḏ ẖr ḏ.t=k
He brings for you, the nome of the annihilated crocodile, stability under your body
Cleopatra VII Philopator