Token | Source | Date |

ꜥḥꜥ ḏd.wy
Stand up, you two uprights

pr.t-ḫrw t' n ḫ smr-wꜥ.tj jm.j-r'-jtḥ mꜣꜥ.tj
funerary offerings of bread for the chancellor of the king of Lower Egypt, sole companion, overseer of the prison, Maati
1st Intermediate Period

[...] t' wꜥb n(.j) pr mnṯ.w dbḥ.t-ḥtp m pr wsjr mrr.t ꜣḫ.w wn(m) jm n (j)m(.j)-r(')-sbꜣ.w mꜣꜥ.t(j) ḏd
[...] pure bread from the estate of Montu, a funerary meal from the estate of Osiris, in which the blessed spirits wish to eat, for the doorkeeper Maat(i), who says:
Intef III Nakhtnebtepnefer

mḥ-jb nswt m šmꜥ.w jrr (j)m(.y)-r mšꜥ m s.t nb.t štꜣ(.t)
the confidant of the king in Upper Egypt, who acts as the overseer of the army in every difficult place,
11th Dynasty (after reunification)