Description: Man, seated, with right hand in front of the chest, and left arm raised (Henu-gesture).
Category: Men and their occupations [Gardiner A]
Basic Form: full quadrat
Tag: henu-gestureholding nothingkneeledmanwith raised arms
Type: simple

Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 443
Gardiner  A8
Hieroglyphica  A8
Jsesh  A8
Unicode  U+1300A 𓀊
Cite as

Please cite as: Sign TSL_1_895 <http://thotsignlist.org/mysign?id=895>, in: Thot Sign List <http://thotsignlist.org>,
edited by Université de Liège and Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Creator: I. Hafemann
Editor(s): J. Grotenhuis, P. Dils, L. Seelau
classifier (2 function(s))
Phonetic value Semantic value Use
jubilation regular


hny n ppy pn hny n kꜣ=f
Jubilation for this Pepy, jubilation for his Ka.
Pepi I Merire

hny n ppy pn hny n kꜣ=f
Jubilation for this Pepy, jubilation for his Ka.
Pepi I Merire

sḏm=f hnw m r n tꜣ-wr hꜣkr grḥ n sḏr.t
May he hear jubilation from the mouth of Thinis on the Haker festival and the night of vigil.
Middle Kingdom

hnw m rꜣ n tꜣ-wr hꜣkr grḥ n sḏr.t
jubilation from the mouth of (the people from) Thinis (on) the Haker festival and the night of vigil.
Senwosret I Kheperkare

sḏm=f hn.w m r n tꜣ-wr
May he hear jubilation from the mouth of Thinis
Amenemhat II Nebukaure

ḫꜣs.t nb.t i̓mm hnw
all the foreign land gives an ovation
Ahmose Nebpehtyre

jw=j m ḥnw n ḥr=k nfr r ḫpr ḥtp=k m ꜥnḫ
I am in jubilation over your beautiful face, until you come to rest in life.
Ramesses II Usermaatre-Setepenre

hnw ḫpr m ꜥḥ
jubilation came to be in the palace
Ramesses III Usermaatre-Meriamun

see "source comment"
On that beautiful day, which occurred in the City (Thebes), Nefertem came created in Ipet-sut (Karnak); light came his mouth into Thebes. When the womb was opened in the temple of Opet, Osiris appeared in Thebes and illuminated the Two Lands in darkness. The great Ogdoad makes the acclamation for him, the Ennead and the primordial gods being gathered with them. The sky is in celebration, the earth in exultation, the temples are in joy, the gods are in joy, the goddesses in jubilation, the Hnmmt are joyful, the acclamation is in Memphis, great exultation in Heliopolis, frenzy on earth in victorious Thebes, rejoicing in Hermopolis, joy in Hérakléopolis, great acclamation in the Mendesian nome, praise in Bousiris, joy in the Thinite nome, happiness on the mound of Ka-Kem (Athribis), Boubastis in acclamation, Fâg in joy, greetings in Neith, Létopolis in celebration, great joy in Shedenou, the nomes of Osiris in celebration, songs and dances having arrived. The Two Lands are rejoicing, because the lord of the two chapels has been born, Osiris-Onnophris, justified. He lies down in his house, Khenty-Mekes (Osiris) has gathered at his sanctuary, he rests on this beautiful monument made for him by the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, Autocrator. He (the king) found the temple of the great Ouret excellent in its work, perfect in all its forms. The foundation ceremony was performed in it by the Majesty of Seshat, Uthekaou, president of the house of Books, its cornerstones were established by the Eight primordial gods, its four sides were erected by Sokaris, built by Khnum with his own hands for Osiris-Onnophris, justified, king of the gods, being what was done by his beloved son, the son of Re, master of crowns, kaisaros, in his name. The great god loves him because of his monument, and rewards him with royalty on the throne of Horus, appearing as king of Upper and Lower Egypt, lord of the Two Lands, at the head of the living, forever.
Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1957), Egyptian grammar being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs, 3rd, revised edition, page 443
Creator: TSL
Editor(s): J. Grotenhuis, T. Kunze
veneration Ptolemaic


šms=j n=k ṯꜣy.w m h-snḏ n ḫpr(.w)=k ḥnmm.t ḫb n bꜣ.w=k
I will follow the males in adoration of your form for you, the sun-folk who dance for your power.
Cauville, Sylvie (2001), Dendara: le fonds hiéroglyphique au temps de Cléopâtre, page 10
Creator: J. Grotenhuis