Token | Source | Date |
jṯ.t ḥqꜣ.w njw.wt r ḥsb
Taking the rulers of the towns in order to recon.
Kaiuhor Menkauhor
mꜣꜣ nḏ.t-ḥr jn.w n ḥw.wt njw.wt mḥ.w šmꜥ.w pr-ḏ.t
Seeing the gifts and tribute of the mansions and villages of lower and upper Egypt and the domain of eternity,
Asosi Djedkare
mꜣꜣ spt n jwꜣ n mḏ.wt
Seeing the deliverance of the cattle of the stable
Asosi Djedkare
ḥqꜣ.w ḥtp.wt zꜣꜣ.w wꜣḥ.yt
who rules over offerings, who guards offerings
Pepi II Neferkare
mr.y nb=f jr ḥzz.t nb=f rꜥ-nb
beloved of his lord, who does what his lord praises every day
1st Intermediate Period
⸢jr⸣ [(j)m(.j)]-r(')-mšꜥ nb hꜣ=(j) r=f jy=(j) mꜥr.k(wj) jm=f n nfr n(.j) ḏd=(j) n ⸢j⸣qr n(.j) sḫr=(j)
As for any overseer of troops on whom I descended, I returned successful from him, because of the perfection of my speech and the [ex]cellence of my conduct.
1st Intermediate Period
ḥqꜣ ṯnj m mr.wt qd.w m mr.wt jr.t ḫt r nfr ḏd m r'=f jr m ḫpš=f
the ruler of Thinis, with a desire to build, with a desire to do good things, who speaks with his mouth and who acts with his strong arm
9th/10th Dynasties
ḥqꜣ ṯnj m mr.wt qd.w m mr.wt jr.t ḫt r nfr ḏd m r'=f jr m ḫpš=f
the ruler of Thinis, with a desire to build, with a desire to do good things, who speaks with his mouth and who acts with his strong arm
9th/10th Dynasties
jt-šmꜥ ẖꜣr 400 r-ṯnw rnp.t r ṯꜣz.y m wn.t ḫry.t ḥnꜥ tꜣ-wr
(I gave ...) small barley, 400 sacks every year for ṯꜣs.y(?), when there was the hostility with the Thinite nome.
11th Dynasty
jnk wꜥ n(.j) nb=f šw m jzf.t dd(.w) mdw.t r wn=s mꜣꜥ rḫ mdw.t stp ṯ(ꜣ)z.w mꜣ wꜣ ḫmt ḥn.t(j) rḫ s.t-rd=f m pr-nswt
I was one unique for his lord, one free from evil, one who presents speech according to its true being, one skilled in speech, with chosen utterances, one who sees far and foresees the future, who knows his rank in the palace.
Mentuhotep II Nebhepetre (complete reign)
jsṯ w(j) m-ẖnw nḫn.t=j m ḏḏ nswt z r jꜣw.t=f m hꜣꜣ z m s.t jt=(f)
I was then in the middle of my youth, when the king (usually) appoints a man to his office, when a man (usually) assumes (his) father's position.
Mentuhotep II Nebhepetre (complete reign)
ḫꜣ jḫ.wt nb.t ꜥnḫ nṯr jm
a thousand of all things from which the god lives
Amenemhat II Nebukaure
tp(r)=j ṯꜣw m wsḫ.t=k rꜥ nb bꜥḥ=j j.mrr=j m ẖnw=k
I breathe air in your court every day; I abound of that what I desire in your residence.
18th Dynasty